You Are Enough

While meditating and praying the other night I began asking to be enough. I asked:

help be to be a good wife, mother and grandmother. A good enough family member (sister, niece, daughter, cousin etc.) friend, confident, business owner, healer, listener, mentor, even good enough strange that someone else may meet. Help me to be of service, when to be and what to say to help make our world a better place. I feel as though I need to be of service for the generations to come.  Show me to help those who are in need. Maybe those who don't feel they are goo d enough. Open my eyes so I have clarity, my ears so that I can hear, my mouth so I can speak in love and in truth. Help me to use my hands to reach out, my arms and shoulders to be strong for others the back to help carry the worries of others, my heart to show love, my legs to walk with others and my feet to be planted firmly in my faith. I am not always good enough, but I lean on you, God who is all this and more. Show me the path you want me to walk. Tell me the prayers that need said for our world. Because it is not about me. It is about you.

I felt such calmness that I am walking the path I need. I just need to have to continue to know it's not about me but about being of service to the world.

When waking the next morning in my reading meditation I was given this letter

"A Letter to Myself

Dear Me

I am sorry. I'm sorry you tried so desperately to fix others, when your own hands were shaking. I'm sorry that I did not give you enough time to heal that I let you seal the wounds of everyone else while your own were still bleeding. I'm sorry that there were days when smiling hurt but your forced yourself to laugh so that no one had to worry about you. I'm sorry that you gave all of your time and effort to people who didn't give the same back. I'm sorry that there were nights when your cried yourself to sleep and no one bothered to understand why. And I'm sorry I did not love you, like you deserved to be loved."

After reading this quote shortly after meditating I was confused. Here I was asking to show me, to enable me to be good enough for others. To stand faithfully and my message back was basically to forgive myself of the things my spirit needed in order to better serve others.

The letter brought up certain memories that I thought I had long forgotten. I'm good at handing them over to God, but was God saying that I also needed to face them and apologize to myself? That was a deep thought. In order for me to be good enough I have to have faith that in the situations that arise, I am learning, growing, making mistakes but I'm learning to be all those things because it's not me, it's God.

I thought I had learned to value who and what I am. But in the letter written by someone I don't know, opened my eyes to also be that for myself. I thought my prayer just needs to be "help me to receive all the gifts you want to give to me. Help me not to miss seeing them. Help me to know who, what and where to share them. 

Yesterday, I said I was grateful for all the lessons I have learned to help me be who I am. Today I learned that sometimes I need to apologize to myself for my mistakes/lessons so that I can be the best version of myself in order to be of full service to others.

Does that make sense? Do you feel that deep withing your soul? To make this universe a better place for our children and grandchildren. To have peace, balance and clarity in our own energy. So today, when you read "the letter to myself", really read it. Really heal yourself through the situations for yourself. Ask for the path to help others in lessons you've learned and know you are good enough. Because, Creator is good enough.

It all starts with us. How we feel about ourselves will aluminate the world around us or dim the light around us. You have a calling a passion. We all do. That is the path you are being called for right now. Move the obstacles in your way. Most likely we are in our own way. Fear of not being good enough or failing. Ask for your path to be shown

My intention for the last few years has been: Put people in my path that I can help or people who can help me. Help me to receive all the gifts you want to give to me. Help me see those gifts. Help me to value who I am and what I am to do.  I think I forgot to value what I am and who I am.  The letter to myself reminded me. I was asking help me to be good enough. God is saying you are good enough because I am enough. 




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Gratitude Challenge