Gratitude Challenge

Happy November. Hard to believe it's November already. It's a new month, new season even the air feels new. It seems like it's crisper and fresher. The leaves are changing and falling back into the earth for regeneration. 

Let's make November the month of gratitude. New focus, new start, new results, new mindset. We are already reminded this month to be thankful by celebrating Thanksgiving. Why not celebrate all month instead of just one day? 

I read a quote "Today is a new day. A day that will never come again. Count your blessings and cherish every moment." 

I'd like to challenge you every day to find one thing you are grateful for.  I'll start. I am grateful that God has placed each and every one of you reading this today. To read my words, my thoughts, things that inspire me to share with you. To give me the words to touch your hearts and minds. To let you know that you matter. That you are not alone. God has given me this opportunity to help and heal and I am grateful that God has trusted me with this task that I do not take lightly. He has placed people in my life to challenge me to be a better person. Even when I struggle, I feel His presence around me. I do find that sometimes I get in the way of seeing the blessing.

Just like the leaves fall from the trees for rebirth, we fall as well. It's the getting back up, the rebirth, the new blessings that are coming that keep us going. Sometimes things do not come back, this makes room for new growth. 

I've found myself "challenged" a bit lately. I want to change the "struggle" mindset to a challenge mindset. I feel like we are all better at challenges than struggles. A challenge by definition is a call to take part, inviting someone to engage. Where struggle is defined as a force or restraint or risk of attack.

I think I would rather feel invited to engage than forced or restrained. How about you? 

"Today is a new day. A day that will never come again. I invite you to engage and count your blessing and cherish every moment"

We've had several chats on Tuesday Talks at 10:30 about perspective. This is a grateful perspective. Last week we spoke about even if you feel like you are in the dark, you are lighting the way for someone walking beside you. Perspective. Your story is changing.

What are you grateful for today? So many things to choose from. Air, color, family, jobs, energy, Spirit, God? What are you grateful for? Think about that for a minute then mediate on it for the rest of the day.

Another aha thought to think about, November is the 11th month. So, the first of November was 11-1 and there will be an 11-11. And funny thing as I'm writing this it is 1:11. Eleven is a sacred number. Setting your intentions of gratefulness will raise your energies vibration. Helping you tap into your oneness - your inner self. This is a perfect month for this challenge.

People born in November are said to be humble and sweet. They don't like confrontation. But when provoked can be really furious. Just like November weather, sometimes warm and inviting sometime blustery cold.  They are unique, loyal, hardworking, have their own rules and need their space and they are fair to everyone.  So Happy Birthday November birthdays! We are grateful for you.

Who's up for the challenge? Thirty days of gratefulness? I bet it makes your day and month a lot better. Thirty days of gratitude starts now.

Today is a new day. A day that will never come again. Count your blessing and cherish every moment.

Blessings of gratefulness to you,



You Are Enough


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