What is an evidential Medium?

An Evidential Medium is a Medium that brings forth evidence that your loved one is who they are bringing forward. It is not generic information like your loved one is ok and they miss you very much. It is dates, names, initials, stories etc.

How do I find a reputable Medium?

Ask your family and friends if they have a Medium they have used. Check referrals on their social media and website.

What can I expect from a Mediumship Reading?

You can expect to be able to connect with loved ones who have passed. Remember, the Medium can only bring the messages given which means you received the messages that Spirit knows you need. It’s not necessarily what you think you need.

What is an Angel Card/Energy Card Reading?

This is a reading that connects to your angels or your energy by using Oracle/Angel Cards. Although somewhat a psychic experience it can help you know what your Guides and what is transpiring in your energy.

What is a private reading?

A private reading is 1 on 1. Just you and the Medium. I do private readings for up to 5 people. More than 5 people is considered a private group reading. You receive a Medicine Card reading, Angel Card reading as well as a Mediumship reading.

What is a private group reading?

A private group reading is 5 – 10 people that you gather together and host in your location. Everyone receives a reading. It is a small intimate setting that enable Spirit to connect to each person involved.

What is an intimate group reading?

Similar to a private group reading, there are 5-10 guests in which each person receives a reading. You may or may not know all the attendees. This is usually held in a local location.

What is a gallery reading?

A gallery reading is held in a larger location where 25 + attendees gather together. I read as many people as possible. Usually around 12. Although, not everyone receives a reading, it is a night of healing that will inspire you to know that your loved ones are never far away.

How long do the sessions last?

A private session lasts 45 minutes to an hour. Intimate group or private group reading are around 2 hours and a gallery reading lasts 2 to 3 hours.

How do I schedule and prepay my appointment?

The easiest way is to go onto the website at www.connectingtospiritwithstacey.com but you can also contact me via email, text or Facebook messenger.

How should I prepare for a reading?

Come with an open mind. If you are close minded it can affect the reading. Speak with your loved ones you’d like to speak to. Ask them to come with a message. You can bring objects with you that belonged to them.

Are zoom readings as effective as an in person reading?

Zoom readings are just as effective as an in person reading. The Zoom session can also be recorded and emailed to you to rewatch at a later date.

How do you conduct your readings?

In person 1 on 1s, zoom, facetime call.

Will everyone I want come through? What if the person I want to come through does not?

I try my best to connect you to the person you’d like to connect to. There are no guarantees of who will come in. If you bring an item or picture of them with you this will help in the connection.

Can I ask questions?

You absolutely can ask questions. Just know that this is not a stump the Medium session.

Is it ok to record the session?

Yes, it is fine to record the session. I offer a complimentary recording using the Otter Ap but know that occasionally technical issues do happen.

Do you do relationship and health readings?

I do not offer relationship or health readings unless Spirit brings it up.

How long should I wait after my loved one passes to schedule a reading?

I recommend waiting at least 30 days after they have passed. You have things to process and so does Spirit. We can do it sooner but the stronger they are in Spirit, the better the reading.

How long should I wait till I schedule another reading?

If you are wanting the same person to come through, I suggest waiting 9 months to a year. You will know when you are ready to schedule another reading.

Should I bring something of theirs with me or a picture?

It isn’t always needs but it is a great idea to bring it with you.

Can my loved one see me and are they around me?

Yes, they can see your energy and they are around you. They do not see your physical body. They are energy so they see energy.

Could their death have been prevented?

Although, this is a difficult answer to sometimes accept, I believe when we are born there is a time and date of our departure. If it is your day, there is nothing you could have done.

Is my loved one upset with me?

When they pass, they are given a life review. They have a better understanding of the events that happened on the earth plane. Realize, that once they are in Spirit they no longer have “human” emotions, they have an understanding.