What Causes Me to Be Conflicted?

"Stop worrying about other people understanding you. Get in touch with yourself instead. Focus on what makes you happy, what make your soul feel at peace. You are your biggest commitment. So, start loving your flaws, your awkwardness, your weirdness, your intensity, your vulnerability your everything. Life becomes so much more fulfilling when you are simply yourself. The world keeps spinning whether people understand you or not, so why not make this next trip around the sun about you." - Charlotte Freeman

Have you ever been conflicted about a decision? So conflicted that is stops you in your tracks? Your gut says, "come on, let's do it." Your head thinks of all the positive and negative outcomes and your heart says," who is this going to affect?" The fact that your gut, head and heart all think and feel differently brings you to a standstill.  You're conflicted on which way to go or if you should even go at all.

Making the right decision can be difficult because we fear making the wrong decision so that often times, we make no decision at all. Fear is a big hurdle to cross.  When we consider who will be affected by our decision. So worried about those who will against us we forget about those who are for us. Forgetting about our own growth and learning process. We forget to focus on what make us happy. We forget to get in touch with ourselves. Read the quote "you are your biggest commitment, to bring peace to your soul".  We may feel a certain job, partner or social status may bring us peace but if it's not what our soul yearns for you will not find peace. "Life becomes more fulfilling when you are simply yourself whether other people understand it or not."

Who are you? You are so much more than sister, brother, mother, father, aunt, uncle, husband, wife, coworker, boss etc. You are you. A magical energy inside of the skin you wear every day. You can outwardly be the most beautiful person but if your spirit and energy is not happy you have no peace. You may be restless and unable to sleep, bored so you are uneasy or on edge, extroverted or introverted. You are searching for what truly makes you happy. We all have big dreams. Dreams we've had since childhood. What's stopping you? Think hard about that. What's stopping you? Somewhere, somehow someone told you things needed to be a certain way.  You believed it. You didn't question it.

Through my life, I've learned that I have to be comfortable with my flaws, awkwardness and my vulnerability. Conflicted? Why yes, I was. Misunderstood? I had no idea who I was or where I was going. I just knew it needed to be a magical adventure.

So, the question again is, what's holding you back? Why are you conflicted? Why is that a question? How or what placed doubt in your head?

Your gut says, "let's do it". Your mind gunks it up by giving you all the possible senecios and your heart, well your heart says "who won't understand? Who will this hurt?" When your heard should be saying "I understand if we don't try, we are hurting ourselves."

There is a line in a Tom Petty song that says, "most things I worry about never happen anyway" BINGO We get consumed with worrying about things that might not even happen.

Are your conflicted? If so, stop breathe and read this quote.

"Stop worrying about other people understanding you. Get in touch with yourself instead. Focus on what makes you happy, what make your soul feel at peace. You are your biggest commitment. So, start loving your flaws, your awkwardness, your weirdness, your intensity, your vulnerability your everything. Life becomes so much more fulfilling when you are simply yourself. The world keeps spinning whether people understand you or not, so why not make this next trip around the sun about you." - Charlotte Freeman

When you are happy, you attract happy. Conflict? Nope, I'm not playing anymore. What makes your soul energy happy? That my friends, is where you start. What make my soul energy happy?




Gratitude Challenge

