To Do List

If I were young again, what would I do differently? Good question, right. In our daily lives, we seem to get caught up with lists. What if I posed the question, what should be on your to don't list. What would you do differently?

Here's how my list would change.

To do: Hug my babies more while they are still small and continue to hug them even more now that they are grown.

To don't: Complain about the little things like how long it takes to put their shoes on.

To do: Thanking my husband for everything he has done for me and with me.

To don't: Getting frustrated when he's picking on me especially in the morning.

To do: Tell my friends how much I love them.

To don't: Overlooking a problem, when they needed a listening ear.

So, what's on your to do list, but more importantly, what's on your to don't list? 

Today, I'm asking if you had your life to live over again, if you were young again what would be important?  You may not be that old, at the age you are, some of those little things become important. One of my biggest passions is to make you aware that it is far better to raise people up instead of tearing them down. If there is a problem, have a conversation face to face. One of my pet peeves is seeing issues on social media that need to be discussed privately. Be an adult, be human. Grab the courage to talk directly instead of hiding behind a screen.

To do: Speak to the people I have conflict with in order to find a resolution.

To don't: Hide behind social medial to avoid confrontation and or give "the audience" a one-sided comment.

To do: Find the good things in my life.

To don't: Complain about my life on social medial. It looks desperate, like you're looking for pity.

To do:  Things that are special that make your heart feel joy. Dance on that dance floor even if no one else is dancing.

To don't: Having the change to sit it out or dance and you sit it out.

Help those who need help. Extend a helping hand. Smile at people you pass when you can. You never know what they are going through, your smile may be the thing they need at that time.

These are the things to place on your to do list. 

Missed opportunities are just that, missed. Missed memories that will never come around again.

Think about the people you surround yourself with - positive people or negative people, their vibe affects your energy. Check in with your energy. What vibe are you sending out?

When thinking about your to do list, think about what's most important to you. And as you get older check in again with your to do list. It changes, every day, every week, every year...Your to do list changes and evolves as you change and evolve.

Your life, your love, you family, your friends are worth it, and so are you. We need to commit to helping others. We need to commit to feeling good about ourselves.

Practice stopping yourself from picking on the little things and open your eyes to the big picture. Extend that hug, that I'm so proud of you and I'm sorry or I forgive you. This is on the to do list for human beings. It costs you nothing to be nice - "To Do." It could cost you everything not being nice - "To Don't"

God said about all, love. To do. 

Do not judge - To don't.

I'm asking you to think about your lists and consider what should be on your to don't list. 

High on the list should be live the life you love and love the life you live. "Bob Marley"

Let's see what you can check off your to do list and place it on your to don't list. 

I bet it will make your heart smile and help the would around you smile. Each day is a blessing a chance for a moment in time that you will never get back again.

Are you making a list and checking it twice? If it works for Santa it will work for you too. It's important to cross thing off your list that stop you from living the life you love and loving the life you live.




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