What to Expect in a Reading

Happy Mid-January!

I’ve been receiving a lot of messages about readings and how they work. So much that I thought what a great topic for the blog.

If you are thinking of scheduling a reading, know that not all Mediums work the same as I do but here is some helpful information for you. I do a few different types of readings. There are private readings (1 on 1) either face to face or over zoom. Intimate group readings. (10 people or less) These readings can be hosted at your home or in a facility. All guests receive a reading either from Spirit or Angels. And gallery readings. (15 plus attendees) During a gallery reading, not everyone will receive a reading. I do not do relationship or health readings, unless it comes up during the reading.

If you have never been to a Medium, I suggest you ask family and friends what their experience had been and who they went to see. I do have reviews that you can read that may give you some insight on their experience with me.

The scheduled date is prepaid. I do ask your name; and if you are comfortable, I ask the month and day of your birth. I use the month to look at your zodiac sign and the symbols associated with the day you were born. Your reading actually starts before you arrive. I meditate for approximately 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment. This is a practice I use to call in your angels and guides as well as your loved one who have passed. While meditating, a medicine card is pulled for you, and I write what I am told about the card. Once you arrive, or we connect through zoom, I set my intention. This gives you the information on how I work as well as allowing Spirit to know that I am open and ready to channel. I have been asked if you should bring something of theirs with you and the answer is yes if you would like. Anything that will make you feel comfortable. It is also good for you to speak to them and ask them to show up. It is normal to be nervous, just keep an open mind and relax. I offer to record the session for those who would like it to be recorded and you, are also welcome to record it as well.

—-My intention is: My name is Stacey. I am a Child of God, Spiritual Healer and Medium and I have been given a gift from God to channel Spirit using love and light for your higher good and my higher good. I am not the Medium who says, I see death all around you and you are going to be dead in 10 days. My gift, my prayer, is that God, Spirit and Angels bring forth the most loving message to help your spirit heal. Most people who come to me are either at a crossroads looking for direction or want to connect with someone on the other side. When Spirit comes through to me, Spirit is anyone who as passed from this earth, they come through on my right and angels come through on my left. I set this up years ago when I started seeing, hearing and feeling because I could not discern who was speaking to me. I don’t argue with Spirit. They give me a message for you for me for today or for tomorrow. So, if I say something that doesn’t completely make sense know that it will when it needs to. Spirit gives you what you need, not necessarily what you think you need. I ask that you validate the things that make sense to you and know that it is ok if it does not make sense to you. I want you to feel free to speak with me during the session but do not feed the Medium. I want to hear it from Spirit and then you can validate what is said.—-

After setting my intention, I ask if there are any questions on how I work. If there are no questions, we talk about the medicine card I have pulled to see if it makes sense. And follow it up with a quick Angel Card reading. Once that is finished, Spirit comes in. Again, Spirit is anyone who has walked this earth and has passed. When Spirit comes through to me, this is a special moment in time that I am honored to relay messages. I tell you 3 - 4 things that come through to describe who is coming through. I ask if you can validate these things. It is very important to me that we are not making things fit and that we are sure we have the right person coming through. I refrain from generalizing the Spirit who is coming through or speaking about cardinals and butterflies. Spirit will show me how they passed but giving me pressure in certain areas of my body. I ask them for names, dates etc. to validate to you who is speaking. Then I ask them for a message to pass onto you. Other people may step forward but if not, I will ask you if this was the main person you were looking to come through. If there is someone else you were looking for, I ask you their name. I will write their name down over and over asking for them to come forward. Of course, it is not a guarantee of who will come through, but I do try to bring them through for you. This is also when a picture or something of theirs is helpful. The reading takes 45 minutes to an hour until we are finished. Although a reading can be such a blessing for the sitter it can also be difficult emotionally. This is why the time may fluctuate.

Also, know that readings are not for everyone. Please do not force someone to go see a Medium. Suggest it if you feel drawn and when or if the time is right. Allow them to reach out to the Medium when they are ready.

If you are interested in scheduling a reading you can go to www.connectingtospiritwithstacey.com and click on the set apt tab.

Blessings for a wonderful day.



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