February is the month of Love

Today is January 31st. Tomorrow starts a new month. Can you believe that January of 2023 is almost over? One more day. So, it is time to look at the new mantra and to dos of the new month.

At the beginning of the each month we are going to concentrate on the calendar section from the book, “My Head Knows…But My Heart Still Hurts” a 30-day grief recovery journal. The calendar section gives you mantras and things to do each day to help you find yourself again.

The theme for February is Love, sending and receiving love. Taking the walls down to allowing yourself to not be afraid of the emotion, the feeling and the sending of love. The way the calendar is set up there is a mantra or a to do. Here is how it looks.

Every Monday in the month of February think about how to love yourself. Your mantra is “I love who I am”. I’m asking you to sincerely look yourself in the eyes in the mirror and say, “I love who I am”. Celebrate your accomplishments. Occasionally I have a client who tells me that they hate who they see in the mirror. It breaks my heart. I mean, they must have gone through a lot to get to that point in their life. Only concentrating on the mistakes or regrets. Let’s try to change that focus to “I love who I am.” Feel those words, believe them. Try not to think about who I was or who I am going to be. Right here, in this time in space, “I love who I am”. We all have flaws and have made mistakes but let’s learn from them. “I love who I am.”

Every Tuesday: Love others. Things to do: Tell people that you love them. How much time we have on this earth is unknown. Don’t miss the opportunity to express your love for those around you. Because you may not be given another chance to speak those words to them. They are three small words, but they can be difficult to say, but with practice, it becomes easier and easier to say them. I don’t know everyone who is reading this blog, but I love you. I love that you took the time to read the words I am saying. I love that you share what I speak about on Tuesday Talks at 10:30. I love that you know I care about you. I love that God placed you in my path so that we could connect in some way. Please hear me,” I love you.”

Every Wednesday: is random act of kindness day. Do something for someone just because. Don’t be the person who then brags about what they’ve done. It costs nothing to be kind. I’m sure you’ve seen that quote before. Now it’s time to act on it. Doesn’t it make you feel special when someone does something for you just because? Share that feeling by reciprocating the act. It can be a simple gesture that makes someone feel special.

Every Thursday: Day of prayer. Mantra: Today I will pray for someone. Don’t just say it, do it. The little praying hand emojis are cute and all but after you post the emoji, take a few minutes to lift that person up. Offer them peace and healing for whatever they are going through. That miracles will be placed in front of them to see them. For them to feel the comfort and joy in the situation, that a solution will be found. The words will just come. You’ll know what to say. If you see something in your mind, send blessings to what you see. I find comfort in visualizing the universe, sending white light around the world to those who feel like they are in bondage because of a situation that they feel there is no solution too. I visualize the knots of bondage coming undone and the grace and healing power of Creator giving them the strength to walk through whatever is going on. Continue this practice even if you do not see the outcome. Believe me, there is someone out there who is in need of your thoughts and prayers.

Every Friday practice gratitude. Mantra: Today, I will tell someone thank you, I appreciate you. We did a challenge in November. Every day we listed something we were grateful for. We are now moving this challenge to every Friday of February. What are you grateful for? Who can you thank for something? What do you appreciate? These are the things to focus on.

Every Saturday: Honor those who have passed. To do: Do something in honor of a loved one who has passed. There is a saying that the best way to beat death is through life. Your loved one would not want you to stop being because they have transitioned into the next life. Honor them by talking about them, looking at photos and remembering what was going on at the time of the photo. Do something they liked to do. Keep their memory alive by taking a day to honor them in a very special way.

Every Sunday: This is your day to rest and meditate. This is your self-care day. There are so many things we do in a week that it is necessary to take one day for you. If you don’t re-energize yourself and give your body time to rest, your body will give you a reason to rest. Just like your light in your home will shut off if you don’t pay the bill. Your body may shut down if you don’t pay attention to its needs. Take a nap, a hot bath, read, relax. Whatever your body needs at the end of the week give it nourishment to be able to walk into another week with a new perspective. New energy and a rested spirit to be able to complete the tasks the week has brought you.

Each day of every month can bring new emotions. Above are some mantras and exercises you can do every day to help you walk through the inner journey of healing. Some days you may not want to do anything. Commit to reading just one line of these exercises every day. It will only take a few seconds, and it can help you walk through your day little by little. Self-care is so important while grieving. Even if you are not grieving, self-care is important. Taking care of the body, mind and spirit helps you to conquer whatever the universe throws at you.

We have only 28 days in the month of February. Why not celebrate love during this month? Love yourself, others, find gratitude, do random acts of kindness and honor those who have passed. Use each day wisely to respect yourself, your tribe and those you miss.

Think, what are things I love? My favorite things are my husband, kids and grandkids, my dogs and grand dogs, traveling, chocolate, turquoise, clean sheets, a warm summer day, a cold glass of ice-tea etc. (Funny that sounded like a bio from a magazine). While thinking of these things be aware of how you feel. Close your eyes and sense the warmth and tingling feeling these thoughts bring you. Be open to sending and receiving love. I want you to take an inner journey of thoughts that give you that good, warm, safe feeling. Breath in love into the innermost part of your heart chakra. Place you hand on your heart chakra and breath in light and love. Feel the warmth and glow. Don’t stop if you start to feel emotional or vulnerable. Give yourself permission to feel. Once you are there in the warmth hold onto it for a few minutes and then send it out to the universe. Just imagine what you can share and help heal without even recognizing it.

I pray healing love to you throughout the month of February. May you find peace, love and healing while walking this path. I promise you that you are not alone and you are loved.

Blessings for a love filled February,



Crystal Stone Energy For Love


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