Crystal Stone Energy For Love

February started a month-long talk about love. Sending and receiving love through self-talk, mantras, exercises etc. I wanted to continue to speak of love by talking about tools to use that may be helpful.

There is a quote author unknown, “For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.” I felt as though this quote was monumental in the thought process of love energy. It brought to mind that sometimes it takes a lot of energy to change our thoughts and actions outwardly toward love. We may sometimes think, where can I find the energy, strength and clarity to move into the love process?

Then, the light came on. In the shop, Hip Gypsy Emporium, we have put together Valentine stone gift boxes. We looked at the stone energy that surrounds love and created them. We want to be able to bring to the surface the energy of love. The stones most common to set your intentions around love are Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Carnelian, Red Jasper, Moss Agate, Lepidolite, Lapis Luzulli, Rainbow Fluorite and Amethyst.

Let’s talk about why these stone energies are designated when manifesting love.

Rose Quartz is the go-to stone that is symbolic of love, compassion and romance. So of course, this would be the first stone we should choose. Not only does it help you attract love it also is a nurturer for you sense of self compassion.

Rhodonite exudes a more intense romantic energy. To help your comfort and trust in the love and romance area.

These two stones together are great to meditate with, placing them on your heart chakra and embracing and inviting love and romance into your life.

Carnelian and Red Jasper bring and heighten your passion. They work together with your Sacral Chakra enhancing joy and excitement into its user’s life. If the relationship seems a bit stagnant, carnelian will help rejuvenate the energy. It is believed to lend courage to the holder of the stone.

Red Jasper intensifies your love for another. Being open to allowing your love to reach a new level. To add trust in both you and the emotions you are feeling.

Using these two stone together will give you the confidence you need to rejuvenate your relationship to be able to move to the next level.

Moss Agate represents growth. The Heart Chakra is capable of so much love and affection, sometimes we need to grow into allowing ourselves to be venerable enough to welcome it into our lives to grow and prosper.

Lepidolite is the stone of calm. This will help in connecting calmly with each other. It helps your mood and helps you find stability. To help reduce conflicts and heated discussions. It helps heal any doubts you may have.

Blue Apatite and Lapis Luzulli are known for helping in communication and dreams. Are you struggling to find the words, are the words you're saying in a conversation not coming out the way you mean them? These two blue stones work with the Throat Chakra, to help you find the words to say so that you are understood. Effective communication is always beneficial in a strong relationship. Coming together to talk and forecast what your dreams are together.

Rainbow Fluorite is known as the stone of intuition. Using your Third Eye Chakra to trust in what you know to be. Trusting your gut instincts, leading with your heart and getting in touch with your feelings.

Amethyst is one of the most recognized symbols of Valentine’s Day; in fact, legend says that an Amethyst stone was worn on a ring be St. Valentine himself. Amethyst has a calming and cooling effect to the wearer. Allows you to dream, to understand, to be supportive.

These are just a few energies that embody love and seemed to be the ones to speak about since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner.

There are several options for these stones. Once you set your intentions of the energy you want to receive from the stone, you can choose to wear them, set them around your home or office or make a medicine wheel. There is so much information out there about stones and crystals, but I sincerely feel it is best to go with your own instincts. What do you feel around these stones? What do you wish to amplify in your life to incorporate them? God has given us many tools to use to heal. Stone energy is just one of them. Heart break leads to anger. This leads to placing walls around us so that love cannot enter. Those emotions tend to bring in loneliness, frustration, anger and trust issues. Let’s be diligent in wanting to break down these walls.

Some of you have lost a loved one. The one person that you shared your life with. In this case, I’m sure romance, growth, love and passion may not be on the top of your list. But if you stop to meditate with these energies a rush of great memories will come back allowing you to feel their love surrounding you.

Things to do are: Choose your stones. The ones that you are drawn to. It’s almost like they call out to you. Hold them in your hands and see how you feel. Some express tingles, warmth or being pulled forward. Then, cleanse the stone either with sage, setting them in the moonlight, letting them sit overnight in salt etc. To me the most important thing is setting your intention of the energy. Let’s say you are holding Rose Quartz, you may say allow me to permit myself to receive love in a positive way, to reciprocate love and protect me from heart ache. You can voice your intention any way that feels right to you. What do you want the universe to offer you? How do you want your energy to respond?

After setting your intention for each stone, surround yourself with them. You may choose to set them in your home or office. Carry them in your pocket or give them to someone. Whatever you choose, have faith that you are doing this for your highest good. Ask God to bless the energy of kindness and joy to surround you. Maybe, start with one stone then add them as you feel comfortable.

Love is all around us. We need to trust that God has our best interest at heart and trust that love can break down the walls of anger, loneliness, bitterness and even depression. Love will help bring joy into your life. Because “For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.” Choose to find joy and happiness.

Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day



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February is the month of Love