Alignment… What is it and how do I get it?

Alignment vs out of alignment. “When our God given identity is not reflected in our work, we are out of alignment. We struggle to stay motivated, to find meaning in the things we do on a daily basis.”

We speak a lot about alignment, but why is it so important?

-It helps us release our potential.

-It enhances our productivity.

-It makes you self-aware of being fulfilled in all you do.

-It makes you aware of the impact the world has on you, and you have on the world.

Sounds pretty important. How do we move in the direction of alignment? How do you know if you are out of alignment? Here are some signs:

-You feel unfulfilled in your life or career.

-You have problems sleeping. You either sleep too much or have problems sleeping.

-You have low self-esteem.

-You lack trust in yourself and in others.

Ok, so now that you recognize the signs, how do you get on the right path?

  • Meditate

  • Breathwork practice

  • Journal

  • Read about spirituality

  • Create a sacred space

  • Action, do something

  • Find your tribe and seek their support

  • Give yourself space and grace

  • Repeat

All these things work together as one. Getting in touch with your breathing. Taking long deep breaths. This relaxes the muscles in your neck and shoulder. While breathing, allow your body to relax. From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, every muscle relaxing. Try to do this for 10-15 minutes. This is meditating. Clearing the mind and relaxing the body. Meditation does not always mean that you have to sit kumbaya for an hour. It just means that you are taking a few minutes to clear your mind and relax your body. Reconnecting to your breath. Slowing down. Finding clarity. Trusting the solutions will be shown to you. If you struggle with mediation, there are a lot of great guided meditations on YouTube, try different ones till you find the one for you.

After meditating, grab a journal. Write down anything that you experienced while calming the mind. I also like to just write whatever comes to mind after I meditate. It feels as those my conscious spirit is writing me a letter. This gives me clarity. It allows me to trust I am not alone with my thoughts.

Reading books about oneness, spirituality, working in the light. All books are a wealth of information. Go in the direction you are drawn. What sounds right to you. Gather experiences of others, you will be able to relate sooner or later.

Create a sacred space. Somewhere you can go to gather your thoughts. To be alone in the stillness. Surround yourself with things you love. This space could be a room in your home or a place you like to visit. Make it somewhere close so that you are able to visit daily. This is a much-needed appointment for yourself. Make it a priority.

Finding your tribe. Those who are your 2 am phone call people. Those who listen without judgement but also know you well enough to talk you down if needed.

Give yourself space and grace. Life is not figured out in a day or even two days. It is an ongoing process of learning and doing. It’s ok if you make a mistake. Don’t get stuck in that mistake. Meditate about it and find peace.

Repeat all the above. These are basic steps to finding alignment.

If you are still wondering, why is it important have spiritual alignment? Think about how important it is for your car to be in alignment. If it isn’t, it can be difficult to keep it on the road. It will go to the left or to the right. The ride may seem bouncy instead of smooth. The same goes with our energy alignment. The quickest way from point A to point B is a straight line.

Alignment is the true source of energy, joy, motivation, the light within us.

You will recognize things that maybe you once overlooked. Signs and synchronicities will become apparent. They will start to make sense to why they show up when they do. Opportunities will fall into place. (Things you’ve been manifesting, praying and meditating about will evolve) You may feel closer to nature. Things that once bothered you, no longer have a place in your energy. People will be drawn to you.

Your inner light will be brighter. You’ll find yourself feeling more joyful, positive and kind. You’ll find resolution to issues as you heal through them.

These are only a few things that alignment can bring to you. Being the best version of you. Feeling your best. Living the life you love, and loving the life you live.




The Recipe


Crystal Stone Energy For Love