The Recipe

Quote “A recipe has no soul. You as a cook bring soul to the recipe”. By Thomas Keller

When you think about a recipe, there are so many things that can go wrong. Too much of something too little of something, over cooking, under cooking. So, what is the “perfect” recipe for our life?

You were created by the master chef. When you think about a recipe, it's full of a bunch of ingredients. You put a little bit of this a little bit of that and mix it up. You know there's all these different things that you put into a recipe. And when you're adding these things, you don't know if it's going to be tasty. You don't know if it's going to be right. But you continue to add these things. There are so many things that can go wrong in your recipe. You could add too much you could add too little your temperature might not be right; you might burn what you're making; or it might be undercooked.

But when you think about yourself and your ingredients, remember you were created by the master chef, the King of kings. You are part of His creation. Creating how you think how you love how you talk, how you act. That's the soul, the spirit and the energy of what's within you. This is your own recipe. You are the chef of your own life. You were created by the master chef, but He gives you freewill to do and say the things that you want. When I looked at this, I wanted to think about the ingredients in our lives? What goes into the making of our own recipe. Let’s talk about that. There is always an outcome, a name of what you are making. For instance, you're making pasta. I feel as though our recipe title would be thankfulness. How do we get to thankfulness? How does our soul, our energy our spirit get to thankfulness? Here are the ingredients t I was thinking would be your ingredients so that the outcome would be thankfulness.

The dream takes the thought, and it takes prayer and meditation. Once you have done that, then you set your intentions. This sets your temperature gauge of your oven. Basically, you're setting your intention. How long do I want this to cook? What do I want the outcome to be? Then you create your path. Creating your path as you're adding all these things in your pan. You're stirring it all up. You're thinking about it, you're meditating about it, and then you add action to it. Because if you just dump a bunch of ingredients into a bowl and you don't mix them together, all you have is a big clump and nothing. Think about it, if you're making something and you place flour, eggs and milk and don't mix it, you put it in a pan and you bake it. You're not going to have what you need. The outcome will be bleak to say the least. There needs to be an action. There is action behind your path behind your intention. And what that creates is your journey. So, when you create your journey, your journey gives you your experience. Just like if you're kneading dough, that's that action. And then the dough comes together. It's either really sticky, really dry or just right. So what's the experience? This is what's giving you the experience this action this path is growth behind it. And when you're doing that, you're learning lessons. Do I need to add more flour? Do I need to add more milk? So that you have the destination the finale. Is it a victory or do I need to start again? This is all going to create feelings and emotions that we need to find the blessings. Which then will bring us to thankfulness. Everything we do, we should strive to create thankfulness. Even in the dark there is thankfulness. Sometimes it's hard to find. Just like all recipes have different ingredients, different measurement. It takes time to do certain things. Sometimes you have to let your ingredients sit overnight before you can add things to it. That's the same thing as the dream. The ingredients of our life of our spirit of our soul of our energy, it takes time. It takes do overs. I have a friend, who when she has a new cake recipe, she'll make two. One is a test cake and the second is cake she’ll use. You may not get it right the first time. Things may be out of your control, but you are the chef of your own life. You are the only one that can add these ingredients. Sometimes you need to reset because sometimes other people add things sometimes things are taken away. And when you think about your recipe, if you don't have the right ingredient, you might substitute something for one thing. Isn’t that how life is as well? We plan something, we have a clear vision , And then all of a sudden something unexpected happens. You are the chef. What do you do?

Do a random act of kindness for someone. If they feel the need to repay you? Ask them to do a random act of kindness for someone. Add that to the recipe of others. Make sense? What's in your recipe? “Because a recipe has no soul. You are the cook. You must bring the soul to the recipe”, part of your ingredients, and you can add and take away from any of this, but when I'm looking at the recipe My life. I've got the dream, the thought, the prayer, the meditation, the intention, the path, the action, the journey, the experience, the lessons, the destination, the finale, the feelings, the blessings, and the thankfulness. There it is. My recipe for thankfulness. “A recipe has no soul.“ You as the cook must bring the recipe. You know, the dream, the thought we're talking about. What's the recipe? I'm probably aging myself, but when you think about the sisters of the Waltons, you know they always had this special recipe. What's your special recipe? What do you want to add? What do you want to take out? What's been added? What's been taken away that now you have to work through? Because you as the cook was bring soul to the recipe.

Quote “A recipe has no soul. You as a cook bring soul to the recipe”. By Thomas Keller




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