Spring Equinox- Balance

Happy Spring! Yesterday was the equinox. What exactly does that mean? “It is the first day of spring. It’s the day the sun’s rays shine on the equator while the earth sits with its axis tiled neither towards nor away from the sun. This causing 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness.”

Here is a quote that inspired me to speak about the Equinox.

May you find the balance

you desire and need.

Light and dark.

spirit and body.

Mind and soul.

May you recognize

the gradual powerful rebirth

happening within you.

May you awaken

to the potential

and the blossoming

of your own self.

And like the wild geese.

May you find your way home.

I love walking into this time of the year. All the newness, the trees are budding, flowers are breaking through the ground, the birds are singing. The air just smells and feels different to me. Warm days and nights to go outside. Opening windows to clear out the winter stagnant feel our homes get after winter. It’s like Julie Andrews singing The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of Music, with her arms open wide and taking in the green grass.

We are given different restarts in our lives during the year. New Year, new week, new month, new seasons and Spring, for me is a time for renewal, growth, expansion, new beginnings. Time to refresh the mind, body and spirit. Being able to be outside more. Walking in your bare feet , short sleeve shirts, children laughing, bon fires and outdoor events. This is what the first part of this quote is about. “May you find the balance you desire and need. Light and dark. Spirit and body. Mind and soul. This is what the warm outdoors brings to me, balance.

The fall is a time to release things that do not serve you. The winter is time to reflect while inside. Then we spring out of our reflection to grow and blossom. Spring and summer bring me the balance I need. Just the air alone brings me peace. Things look differently. Winter is filled with grays and browns, it’s quiet. You nestle into a warm blanket. You sleep. Spring is filled with reds, yellows, greens, purples. There are birds singing and children playing. You put down your blanket and lay in the grass. Rebirth a do over. Seeds are planted in the earth, nurtured till they break through to the sunlight. That is how spring feels to me.

This takes us to the third part of the quote. “May you awaken to the potential and the blossoming of your own self.” I love that, may you awaken. Right, wake up. See your potential. We never stop growing and blossoming. It’s seeing it and recognizing it. That is the important part. This is the restart to living and looking at life in full color. Which brings us to the last part. “And like wild geese. May you find your way home. Have you been going through some stuff where you feel disconnected with yourself? Now is the time to search for the light. To move towards your inner self wellness and find your way back home. A house is just brick and mortar that can be bought and sold. May your spirit your energy that is your home. That is what makes you the best you that you can be. “May you recognize the gradual power of rebirth happening with you. May you awaken to the potential and blossoming of your own self. And like the wild geese, may you find your way home.”

Blessings for balance, potential blossoming so that you may find your way home.



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