Rainbow Connection

While thinking about what to discuss in this blog I was coming up blank. All that kept coming to my mind was rainbows. I need to talk about rainbows. Why they form, colors of the rainbow and The Rainbow Connection song. I believe I was at a loss for words due to the happenings of yesterday in Nashville. I can’t for the life of me fathom the reasoning behind school shootings. I am not going to get political or talk about what should or shouldn’t happen. The thing we seem to lose focus on is that lives were lost yesterday because evil lurks around every corner.

When I think about three 9-year-old students and 3 adults at school losing their lives on what they thought was going to be a normal school day it is hard to put into words the thoughts that run through my mind. Because there are no words, I turn to quiet prayer. I’d like to ask you to hold space and pray for the families who lost their loved one yesterday. I’d also like to ask you to hold space for those who witnessed this, those who responded to the call. I cannot imagine having to explain to my nine-year-old child why they were touched by something so traumatic in their young life. Pray for all of Tennessee who also lost 6 children in a car accident this week. Pray for all the school in TN. Use the ripple effect when praying. Going to thoughts of healing for all schools that have at one time had this happen as it brings back memories. Pray for our children who may be afraid to go to school. Pray for the parents who send their kids to school thinking this would never happen. Pray for the teachers who teach and protect our children. As a nation, time stands still when our youth is attacked.

So, let me get to the rainbows that keep running through my mind. Did you know that there are seven colors of the rainbow? Most people say six but in reading there are seven colors. The colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. A rainbow is formed by the sun’s rays hitting water droplets in the air. There are wavelengths that reflect different angles producing a spectrum of color.

There were six lives taken because of one person. I associate the moisture to all the tears that are collected during a tragedy. The colors of the rainbow, red, in this case represents the bloodshed, orange is the courage we must now face to move forward, yellow is the color of the sun knowing that there will be better days ahead, green to me represents the green grass that surrounds the school when the children feel safe to be kids, blue is the mood we are currently feeling. When I think of indigo and violet that reminds me of our soul and spirit being welcomed by Creator. Each color is unique just like each life that has been taken. Rainbows only appear after the rain because it requires water droplets floating in the air. I believe air is full of these droplets from the pain we have endured.

Kermit The Frog sang the song Rainbow Connection and I want to quote a few lines for you to think about. “Why are there so many songs about rainbows? And what’s on the other side?” Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers and me.” Verse 3 says, “Have you ever been half asleep and have you heard voices?” I’ve heard them calling my name. Is this the sweet sound that calls young sailors? The voice might be one and the same. I’ve heard it too many times to ignore it. I't’s something that I’m supposed to be. Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers and me.

I believe right now we are half asleep. I believe we will hear them call our name. I believe we will see them again. I believe there is a rainbow connection where all of our questions will somehow be answered. I believe I was to speak about this today to remind us to pray for those who have gone before us, those who are left behind to have the hope and faith that we will make a rainbow connection when it is our time.

Blessings and prayers,



Happy April


Spring Equinox- Balance