Happy April

Welcome April 4th, 2023. Today is an exciting day for energy. In numerology the numbers 4 4 are about strength and stability. l looked up what the significance of this day ushers in. I found, “it’s vibrating with a mater-of-fact sense of practicality. On April 4 we’ll experience a double dose of this energy that aligns in perfect harmony with the day’s astrological happenings as well as spiritual significance of the date.” What a great segway into out Tuesday Talks for April. At the beginning of each month, I refer back to the monthly prompts in the book “My Head Knows…But My Heart Still Hurts”. Since this is the first Tuesday of April, today we look at the new Mantas and To Do’s in the book.

Mondays: Raise your vibration. To Do: Dance before walking out the door.

Tuesdays: Work on breathing. To Do: Walk with a spring in your step.

Wednesdays: See the beauty. To Do: Spend time with flowers. Either in your garden or buy yourself some flowers.

Thursdays: Thankfulness. Mantra: Today I am grateful for my accomplishments.

Fridays: Detox. Mantra: Today I will take a deep breath of fresh air.

Saturdays: Patience. Mantra: Today I will be patient with myself.

Sundays: Day of rest. To Do: Meditation and self-care day.

Let’s break this down and talk about why this is so important. After the loss of someone you love our minds seem to be in a fog. It may be hard to concentrate on what to do to keep our mind, body and spirit healthy. Self-care is so important. That is why I have given you a list of things to do in the event that you are struggling.

The first day of the week is so important. It sets the tone for the rest of your week. Every Monday in April, I’d like you to think about raising your vibration. Our body’s vibration is so important. It affects your mood and emotions. It prepares you for how you maneuver your day. So, every Monday before you walk out the door do a little dance. It’s movement, it makes you smile. Put some upbeat music on and allow the music to move you. Every floor is a dance floor, why not take advantage of what is under your feet at all times. Don’t let that dance floor go to waste. It’s there to motivate you to move and groove.

Tuesdays, like today, work on breathing. Breathing comes naturally. It’s not something we really ever think about, but it is important to notice how shallow we breath when we are stressed. Shallow breathing causes our muscles to tense up. Tense muscles cause aches and pains, headaches, and our eating habits. You’ve all heard the term emotional eating. If we are eating quickly, not taking a breath that leads to digestive issues, feeling uncomfortable and weight gain or weight loss. This is why every Tuesday this month, we are going to walk with a spring in our step. Again, this is movement. The one thing, for me anyway, was especially difficult after losing a loved one. I did not want to move. I had to force myself out of bed. I knew that for my emotional well-being I needed movement in my life.

Which brings us to Wednesdays. This is the proverbial hump day. Middle of the week when our bodies tend to lose steam. This is why todays to do is taking in the beauty that is around you. Stop and notice the colors that spring has brought us. Spend some time in the garden or buy yourself some flowers. This awakens not only sight in seeing the beauty but also the sense of smell. I just love the way lilacs and honeysuckle smell. It just coats my entire body with childhood memories. There is just something about a vase with flowers in them.

On Thursdays let’s concentrate on thankfulness. There are so many things to be thankful for but in a time of chaos we miss seeing the blessings. Your mantra for today is: Today I am thankful for all my accomplishments. You have not arrived at this date in time without accomplishing a lot of things. None of us are who we used to be. We’ve experienced highs and lows and we survived them. We’ve grown. Celebrate the place you are right now. You are an awesome infinite being. Let’s just for today not worry about our life purpose. Today, let’s concentrate on the things we have accomplished. You’ve touched more people than you realize. And the world is a better place because you are in it. But I cannot make you believe this. You have to believe in yourself. Every Thursday, remind yourself how grateful you are for everything you have accomplished thus far.

Fridays are set aside for our detox day. Releasing the frustrations of the week. Mantra for Fridays: Today I will take a deep breath of fresh air. Don’t you agree that the air smells differently in the spring? To me, it’s cleaner, warmer and does something inside my energy like no other air. Let’s clean out the old air that has gotten stagnant in our bodies and take lots of deep cleansing breaths of the spring air. Feeling tense, anxious, sad, overwhelmed? Say your mantra and take a deep inhale followed by a long exhale. With practice, this will help you to elevate your all those icky feelings and baggage we carry with us. Let’s detox that stuff out of our energy every Friday. Plus, it gets us prepared for the weekend.

Saturdays are especially important. We are going to concentrate on being patient with ourselves. So, our mantra for Saturdays is: Today I will be patient with myself. Look yourself in the mirror, eye to eye, with meaning and tell yourself to be patient with yourself. We practice patience with young children. We practice patience while standing in line at a store. We practice while doing most things for others. Where we fall short is when it comes to ourselves. We are great at dissecting every little thing we do. What we need to do is realize that we are human, we make mistakes, we are learning and sometimes it takes time. Today I will be patient with myself.

In doing all this hard work above we need time to rest and meditate to find clarity. That is what Sundays are for. Sundays…fundays. This is your designated self-care day. Meditating on the happenings of the week. Seeing how putting the above practices has affected the way you feel, sleep, interact with others.

Just like the flowers and trees are starting to change, grow and blossom. So are you, my friend. Grief, lose, however you wish to place a name on the emotion can change who we once were. It can paralyze our motions and emotions. Your loved one would not want you to stop being who you are because of their leaving this earth. They would want you to continue to honor who you are by honoring who you were with them. The best way to beat death is life.

The above steps are just a few suggestions of how to take yourself off of pause. To enable you to live the life you love and love the life you live.

Blessings to you



“You Gave Me Forever Within Numbered Days”


Rainbow Connection