The Most Wonderful Time of The Year!?

An unwritten letter we carry in our hearts....

The holidays are upon us. The song says, "it's the most wonderful time of the year". But in reality, the holidays can be a difficult time of the year. For some, this is the first year to celebrate the holidays without your loved one. Grief and sorrow may be heavy on your heart. For that I say, do the best you can. Try to continue the traditions they were apart of in the past. Tell stories and do something in honor of them.

There is a myth that the holidays the suicide rate goes up but in actuality the spring is the highest rate of suicide. Still, over 30,000 people will decide not to bring in the New Year. There is no rational answer of why to help us better understand. Depression, loneliness hover over us, most of us can bring ourselves back from it but not everyone has this capability. We blame it on financial strain, depression etc. But in all reality life can be difficult any time of year. We tend to place unrealistic expectations on ourselves. The world is a very difficult place to inhabit right now. 

It is a difficult subject to speak about, but I felt as if it needed to be addressed. There is a lot of media coverage right now on tWitch. Everywhere you look you see a write up or hear news coverage. A seemingly happy man with a family decides too no longer be here. It makes no sense. Every person has a unique set of circumstances. Underlying circumstances. Those we do not know or understand. If you think about it, speaking about happy experiences is easy to do. Speaking about sadness is difficult. You are opening up your deepest fears. Being venerable to someone with everything in our head.  I constantly hear in my readings; I had no idea they were struggling. That is because they did not want you to know. 

Wouldn't it be great, if at any time we could have a George Bailey moment. Where Clarence shows us all the people we've touched. All the things we've accomplished. The impact we've made in this world. That would make such a huge difference in our lives. But until God calls us home, we are unable to see our life review. 

I recently watched a Mel Robbins podcast where she discussed tWitch. It was so interested how she broke it down but saying, if someone we love has brain cancer the brain is malfunctioning. Dementia the same. Mental health works the same way. All of us, at one time or another thought about leaving but we were able to have the mental capacity to think ourselves out of it and for that I am glad. Our brain is a strange organ. It is the central line to everything our body does. When it misfires, we have no control over our thoughts and actions. The solutions are not visible when the brain misfires. The brain is unhealthy for one reason or another. I fully believe that this is how suicide occurs. The brain malfunctions before a rational solution can be thought of. I don't believe they think of those who are left behind in pain. All they can focus on is making the pain stop.

In the 1000's of readings I have done, when a spirit that has chosen to leave this world early comes through, they usually come through apologizing. They received their life review and saw clarity in their chaos. But unfortunately, we don't receive that preview like George Bailey did.

My heart break for those unable to find another solution. Spirit will come through and say there was nothing you could have changed. Release your guilt and remember me when things were good.

This hopelessness is a mental health issue. There is no band aid to heal this wound. There is help out there. It's not always easy to reach out and receive help. Facing your fears, mistakes and depression is exhausting. But I promise you, you are worth it.  If you are a survivor of attempting, I'm so glad you are still here. Be gentle on yourself. You are strong enough to work through this. Keep going and keep moving forward.

If you are the one left behind, I send you prayers of healing. Again, be gentle on yourself. There was nothing you could have done that would have stopped the event that happened. If there was, you would have been able to intervene. Keep going and keep moving forward. They would want you to live forward through them. They loved you so much but for some unexplainable reason, it wasn't enough for them. It's just not something you will every understand until God calls you home and you stand face to face with them in glory. Speak their name, tell funny stories about them, do something to honor them during the holidays. If not for them, but for you.

If you or someone you know is struggling, reach out to a friend. If you are unable to do that contact the National Suicide Hotline 800-273-8255 they are available 24/7 365. And always remember you are loved, and you can get help, because the world needs you. 


Empty Chair

© Lee W. Barker

Published by Family Friend Poems on 06/26/2018

The chair where you sat lies vacant and still.
The air so silent, through my body runs a chill,

The sound of your laughter echoes in my ears.
The teddy that you loved brings me close to tears.

Photos of you smiling are scattered on the wall.
The sense that you are here, as I walk through the hall.

An empty bed remains made just as it was that night.
Bedroom left alone, even though you're out of sight.

Your DVDs and music left untouched upon the shelf,
Some of which you didn't get to watch yourself.

The cup from which you drank tea alone behind the door,
Left abandoned like a friend not needed anymore.

I looked into the night sky on that fateful night.
I saw a star begin to flicker, like a fading light.

They say a star fades when a life comes to an end,
But for you God made an exception; that rule he did bend.

He reignited the flickering star so we can look above,
To see that star shining bright, showering us with love.

Stars may fade, but the light lives on somewhere.
Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.

Blessings I send to you for a wonderful holiday,



Mantras For a Happy New Year


Acknowledge The Small Steps