Acknowledge The Small Steps

Last night I asked my guides for a message to share.  We are almost at the end of the year; holidays can be difficult for us, and we are going into a new year. What are some helpful things to speak about? I wanted to pull a few cards from The Journey of Love Deck to see what I was to speak about today. I thought the Journey of Love Deck was a great option, because let's face it we all want to feel loved. I pulled four cards. They were Sweet Soul Rising, Sacred Convergence, The Ancient Ones and Devotion to the Small. 

I want to explain each card then give you the message. 

The first card "Sweet Soul Rising" - If you are feeling lost in your own thoughts, now is the time to surrender to faith. There is no exact moment in time when you will have it all figured out but allow whatever will be to be. This card speaks about allowing our soul to rise in the "cosmic ocean" even if we are unaware of where we are going. We can make a decision to swim against the current or to float along on the journey having the faith to know we are headed in the right direction. This oracle is bringing guidance. Now is the time to go with the flow. Now is the time to have faith in the knowing that something bigger is coming. Have faith beloved, be patient and trust that the strides you are making are part of this bigger picture.

The second card " Sacred Convergence" This card speaks about everything coming together within the mind, body and spirit. There is a unification going on right now. It may feel like a strange land that you are traveling in or to. There may be some discomfort within your own body but know that it is an expansion that is necessary in finding the things you have been avoiding. This helps us accept and honor the situations. Be gentle and loving with yourself and find the beauty in what you are learning. Seeking to know yourself instead of avoiding circumstances that weigh you down. Eventually, they will bubble up to the point in which you must address them in order to concur them.  This oracle is calling you forward. To reveal yourself to yourself. Stop hiding and being who you are not.

The third card "The Ancient Ones" This card is about your spiritual growth. The Ancient Ones represent God/Creator, your Guides and the Angels. Know that they are acknowledging all that you are and all that you've done through time and space. They do not want you to lose heart. They are honoring your journey as you should do as well. Your growth is real and palpable. Continue to manifest the best version of you through learning and doing. This oracle is of guidance that you have taken the leap in personal growth.

The fourth card "Devotion to the Small" This card honors growth no matter how large or small. A lot of wisdom has been learned from all the days you have lived. So many changes so much growth. The small things that have made you the person you are and who you will become. Soon you will see the flower that is in the garden of manifestation. Your dreams, your actions, your bumps in the road have earned you knowledge. This oracle is one of blossoming. Trust that you are making great progress.

Thinking about these four cards are of guidance, being called forward, personal leap of faith and growth.

The world as we once knew it has changed. We may be uncomfortable because it is not what we were used to. Not only has the world itself changed, but we have changed as well in this last year. We've lost loved ones, we've had problems that needed solved, maybe you've moved or changed jobs. Things around us may not always be comfortable but we are being asked to keep moving forward. Realize our mind, body and spirit are on a journey so have faith. The Ancient Ones have been with you and have not left your side for you are blossoming and growing through it all. Even when there are days you may think how can I do this, guess what, you are already doing it. Be loving and gentle with yourself. Don't give up. Honor each and every step you take no matter how large or how small. And never ever stop growing, learning, loving and helping.  You are not alone in any of this. God is with you. Have faith in yourself to know that this is a journey. Have faith you are loved. Have faith you can do this. Have faith you have learned. Have faith you have taught....

Honor the small steps because they acknowledge and honor you.

Peace and Blessings to you,



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