Moving into 2024

There are times when I pull cards to ask for guidance. This was one of those days. We are almost at the end of 2023 walking into 2024. There are many experiences I have had through 2023 that has made we grow. There are a few things that can stay in 2023 and not follow me.

In asking my guides to enlighten me on a message for you all. I pulled 4 cards from The Journey of Love deck by Alana Fairchild Rassouli and Richard Cohn. The cards represent movement and growth. The cards I pulled are She is the Moon, Dream a Little, The Ancient Ones and Shifting Universe. Four cards of wisdom, four gears to shift into.

She is the moon. This represents you. You are the moon. You are in charge of the light you bring in as well as the light you share. No one can dim your light if you take control of the light switch. Having enough wisdom and experience to know that if something needs to get done, you need to place movement into it. Things will not just happen without your involvement. This is first gear. Get involved and participate in your own light force. Trust and manifest that things are happening the way they should be happening. “I Trust”

Dream A little: The Divine wants to bless you with inspiration. You’ve shown the universe that you represent the light within yourself. You have accepted this, and the Divine is giving you guidance. Guidance for all things possible for you. Dream a little. Let go. Walking away from the fear of the what if. You’ve shifted into second gear. If time and money were no object what would your greatest dream be? What would you be doing? Receive it and believe in the possibilities. “I inspire”

The Ancient Ones: You are being placed on notice that the things you have been doing have not gone unnoticed. You’re loved ones who have gone before you have set you on your spiritual path. They see your heart. This is the shift to translate your inner changes to your outer experience. Everything reflects back in time. Now is your time. “I see”

Shifting Universe: You have been changing gears. Speeding up, slowing down, observing and growing. Life is offering you opportunities and you are seeing them. Change is happening. You are the moon, the light to dream and inspire others. You are so guided and loved. The universe is with you. Trust it, Dream, inspire because, Afterall, you are the Moon.

I just love the phrase at the end of Shifting Universe

Here’s wishing you -Some Sunshine-The day after the rain.

Here’s a hug - of understanding - when life - seems filled with pain.

here’s knowing that emotion - like wind-Blows many ways.

And our course - Will seem more certain - With the Dawn - Of each new day.

I ask that you meditate on the goodness of 2023. The lessons and the wisdom that you can take with you into 2024. The shifts you have maneuvered, the victories and all of the accomplishments filled full of love and happiness.




2024 The Year of The Dragon and Numerology 8


Find Yourself First