2024 The Year of The Dragon and Numerology 8

Welcome to 2024 the year of the dragon and numerology number 8. Let’s talk about the meaning of the Dragon year. It is to bring, good luck, strength, health and also the male element of yang (force of action)

If you were born in the year of the Dragon, you are idealistic, passive and generous. You seek perfection in all things. In relationships, Dragons tend to give more than they receive. On the outside they seem passive about emotions, but they are actually very passionate on the inside Only being vulnerable to people they trust. Dragons are self-disciplined and connected with being strong as well as successful.

In the Orient, the Dragon represents supernatural powers, wisdom, hidden knowledge and strength. Spiritually the Dragon symbolizes power, change and spirituality. The dragon is the protector and sometime thought of as royalty.

The above gives you an outline of what the Dragon represents. Now let’s look at the numerology aspect. We just came out of a 7-year 2023. (2+0+2+3+7). The characteristics of a 7-year is self-centeredness, a time to look inward, being more critical. It brings things to the surface, to bubble up to be seen in a slow but steady way. Rushing goals and changes in a 7-year proved to be frustrating and even painful. A time for new growth even if feeling drained and stuck under the weight of the year before. 2023 was self-seeking, self-development, journeys, self-improvement, everything surrounded by self. Laying a foundation in order to grow. You may have felt stretched spiritually and physically because it can be a slow process. Things were brought to the surface. A 7-year can be difficult and eye opening, it depends on how you process things.

Now to be followed by 2024 an 8-year (2+0+2+4=8). Whew, here we go. An 8-year is leaving behind a time of introspective and moving into abundance. Meaning last year was the year you found things within yourself that needed improved upon. This year is to let go of those things that held onto that does not serve your energy well. The 8-year is not only described as a shift but a dramatic shift. Taking the past year’s work and now seeking abundance. Last year was the review of everything within self. At the time you may not have recognized it was also a preview of what is to come. The foundation needed to be laid. You had to “toil the soil” for growth to happen. You were forced to slow down in order to make the foundation strong. The number 8 is considered to be the “rainbow after the storm.” 2024 is a year of hope, growth, expansion and abundance. Time to trust and embrace all your experiences and take it to a greater level (a dramatic shift). All the meanings behind the 8-year are the collective energies of the experiences you’ve encountered but having the strength and insight to leave behind a period of introspection and move into a year of prosperity.

2023 (7) challenged you to rethink your own reality/actions. 2024 (8) inspires us to break free and take action and bring our dreams into real life. It is about defining goals, holding emotional and spiritual space for yourself. You did the hard work last year and it will start to pay off. Here is the fine print that I know you are waiting to read. BUT in order to receive this, you need to invite in a shift. A shift of what came to the surface and embrace the rapid change. Identifying the life, spirit, energy areas you want to embrace and grow into. You are being asked to release control and to invite in abundance. Be open to receiving it. If you have a party but do not invite anyone, no one will show up.

Let’s expand on this a little deeper. In numerology 8 is ruled by Saturn which is said to be the planet, the ruler of Karma. Saturn pushes or demands us to sacrifice, to pursue our dreams. Saturn teaches us how to step up in responsibility of our own doings, our own destiny. Saturn is also in Pisces in 2024 and this is a sign to release your dreams into the universe that may not be realistic. To find what is attainable within the dream. Releasing them into the universe so that you can be directed onto the right path, but as always, be careful what ask. Go to that most loving part of you and ask to be guided in the gentlest way.

Let’s circle back to where we started. This is the year of the Dragon - Good luck, strength, health, male yang (forced action), supernational power, wisdom, hidden knowledge and strength, power and change spiritually, protection and royalty. Keep all that in mind as we go on.

Things to think about: was 2023 a road of hard knocks? Every time you were ahead, did something get in the way and knocked you down? Were your forced to slow down in an area of your life, to re-evaluate the outcome? Did you receive a lot of introspection? Did some hard truths come to the surface? I believe we can all say yes to more than one of these questions if not all of them. Because of circumstances out of my control, I was forced to slow down. I spent more time looking inward, setting up goals that did not happen. But it better prepared me for the path of what 2024 would bring. I have to invite it in. I have to not let 2023 weigh me down. I have to place my intentions to say, “I will do the best I can in every situation,” and reflect instead of sporadically doing something then saying, “wow, I could have handled that a much better way.”

The year of the Dragon speaks about royalty. Royalty defined:

1. people of royal blood or status 2. A sum of money paid to receive something like a performance 3. Royal Kin.”

In looking at the definition, people of royal blood; you are a child of God, of the universe which makes your royalty. Payment and status: You’ve worked through last year. You’ve paid the “penance” and deserve the status of accomplishment. You’ve toiled the soil and planted the seed. Now invite it to grow into abundance. To me this make you royal kin. Think about your tribe. Who are they? How have your grown with or without them this past year? All these things come through growing pains.

Why do I bring up the Chinese symbols? In my line of work, symbols are important. They are signs from God and the universe. Some say universal law. But to me, more important, guidance of what is to come. A sneak peek or preview. Look at symbol definition:

“1. symbols facilitate understanding of the world in which we live, thus serving as ground upon which we make judgments. 2. They provide clues to understanding experiences by conveying recognizable meanings that we share with society. 3 It taps into our subconscious emotions. They evoke strong feelings, memories and emotions.”

Everyday symbols are important so spiritual symbols would be as well. Think about a stop sign. You recognize the need to take your foot off the gas and apply the break to slow down and stop. To proceed cautiously. A ringing phone is a signal that someone needs to speak with you. Numbers are similar. they also indicate things. A red number on your balance sheet lowers your bottom line and green number adds to your balance. “Numerology helps clarify the sign by providing additional nuance. It allows you to understand a deeper sense of self based on the vibrations of the past.”

It’s a sneak preview. Whether you believe in numerology and the year of the Dragon or not. Would you not be open to a sign, a symbol of things to come and how to plan accordingly? How to set your intensions? How to invite abundance into your life? Abundance is more than just money. It is the way you feel about yourself and others around you. It is about the positive vibration you bring to the world. The universe has so much to offer you but if you ignore it, you’ll overlook it. The male yang this year encourages and is pushing you into action especially if 2023 was stagnate and difficult. Be open to the possibility of the universe having your back. Invite in abundance and see what happens.

I welcome 2024 in, and I invite new and wonderful things to come into my life and into the world I live in, the people I connect with. I’ve been praying and meditating all year for the world to find peace and healing without even looking at the numerology of this past year. I felt so compelled to send healing to the world. This year my door is also open to receiving the abundance from the groundwork laid through 2023. Who will join me? You welcomed in 2024 at midnight a few nights ago. Let’s welcome all good energy and abundance in as well. You’ve toiled the soil, laid the foundation and planted the seed. Now invite that see to grow. Start off 2024, the year of the Dragan in by inviting abundance to surround you.

Blessings for and abundant 2024



L. I. P. (Live In Peace)


Moving into 2024