Find Yourself First

“You’ve got to find yourself first. Everything else will follow.” - Charles de Lint

Every think, “Who am I deep down inside?” We give ourselves so many titles that we get lost in what our soul identifies as. We are Husband, Wife, Mother, father, sister, aunt, daughter, son, co-worker, boss, business partner, Pennsylvanian.

But….Who Am I? Where is my heart, soul, energy found? What motivates me? Where is my passion? Am I who I am for myself or am I trying to please others by being someone I’m not? Crazy how a title can make you one thing but can suddenly be taken away Job loss, moving, loss of a loved one. Things change, shift and complete.

First things first. Who are you? Once you figure that out everything else will fall into place. Being your true self gives you comfort, harmony, balance and ground you within your own spirit.

Ask the question, “Who am I trying to impress? Whose approval am I looking for and why?

If you're at a job you hate but it “pays the bills” do you stay or find what drives you? My favorite thing to think about is, if time and money where no object, what would you be doing. Dream big but keep reality in there too. There is no real way I could be wonder woman, but I can look at the traits of not giving up, problem solving, being a strong woman and use those traits to move forward. I’d like there to be a calm, peace in the world. Big ask however, I can start by first finding calm peace within myself.

Ask yourself where did I lose my way? What happened? What did I learn from it that makes me a better person. Unfortunately, loosing someone teaches us pain but it also teaches us every day is a blessing. Start showing those blessings. Share kindness and gratitude. Being a good person really isn’t that great if you don’t share it. Discover what makes your heart full - share it. Discover your flaws and embrace them and redirect them.

You are not lost. You are on pause. If your life seems out of control, find yourself, get quiet breath it in. Once you’ve found yourself, everything else will follow.


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