December-Celebrate the Chaos Mantras

It is the last month of 2023 and we have worked through different aspects of starting to rebuild after the loss with mantras and exercises. Last month we concentrated on Thankfulness. Every month there has been a helpful hint for focus when you lose focus. December seems to be a very difficult month for a lot of my clients. The holidays are always difficult when we’ve lost someone important to us. Here are some things to focus on for December.

December is all about Celebrating even in the chaos. Here are the mantras for December.

Ordinary World by Duran Duran “What’s happening to me? Crazy some say. Where is the life I recognize?”

Mondays: Mantra: I am celebrating and love who I am.

Tuesdays: Mantra: I am celebrating and love those around me.

Wednesdays: Mantra: I celebrate hose who have passed before me.

Thursdays: Mantra: I celebrate the guilt I have released.

Fridays: Mantra: I celebrate the anger I have released.

Saturdays: Mantra: It is ok when I am sad that you are no longer with me..

Sundays: Day of Rest, Meditation and self-care day.

When you look at all the mantras, they are geared towards helping you celebrate. I’d like you to concentrate on recognizing all the blessings you have received. In the book I am reading, “You’re Not Going Crazy…You’re Just Walking Up!” by Michael Mirdad it speaks about open to your inner self. The steps are similar to the steps in grief. They are Dismantling - Where you begin. It’s “rock bottom”, nowhere else to go but up. The next state is Emptiness- What you thought was, is no more. Your thoughts of the future have been changed. Disorientation - Doubting everything, self-doubt making you “surrender to a healing soul”. Rebuilding - Creating a new life in a new direction. New life - growing from what you’ve learned to help you celebrate the blessings. Acknowledging the best way to beat death is through life.

Mondays: Mantra: I am Celebrating and love who I am. Time to take a look in the mirror and see all your loving qualities that others see. You were born of love, groomed to see love then to share love. But you want to see this within yourself not only in others.

Tuesdays: Mantra: I am Celebrating and loving those around you. Visualize those around you who have been through it with you. There are some that you may have forgotten. Spend time thinking of the small gifts and gestures that others have shown you.

Wednesdays: Mantra: I Celebrate those who have passed before you. Think of memories and sayings they used to say. Look at pictures and think of things they taught you. Celebrate the time you were given with them.

Thursdays: Mantra: I Celebrate releasing guilt. We all have guilt that we carry with us. It takes strength to let that shit go. We’ve evolved and grown, released and forgiven. Celebrate the strength it took you to no longer carry it with you.

Fridays Mantra: I Celebrate releasing anger. Just like guilt, we carry anger with us through our lives. Forgiving and letting the anger go also takes a great deal of strength. Celebrate accomplishing this act. Anger no longer serves you.

Saturdays: Mantra: It is ok to be sad that you are no longer with me. There is no time frame on grief. Don’t feel like you will never get over it. Know that grief will always be a part of you because you have lost someone important to you. If you are having a sad day, it’s ok. If you are having a good day, it too is ok. Allow yourself to have human emotions. Emotions are not a weakness. Show love and support for yourself.

Sundays: it is time to rest. Self-care day. Here’s a thought, maybe do nothing today? Think about the how your week changed just by doing these few things. I’m sure you will find your heart is full of blessings when you change the way you start your day.

Ordinary World by Duran Duran “What’s happening to me? Crazy some say. Where is the life I recognize?”

Blessings for celebrating December.



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