Act As If What You Do Makes A Difference. It Does.

We are mid-way through April and things are changing outside. We are planting flowers and mowing. What a difference this makes in what we see and the way the air smells cleaner and lighter. You are creating your own outdoor oasis to meditate and get clarity as well as a place to gather with family and friends. You may not constantly be aware that your actions aid in the growth of the insects and wildlife. Two quotes I’m going to speak about today are so well fitted together.

“ Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” - George Bernard Shaw

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” - William James

We’ve spoken before about changing your perspective and the outcome will change. Both of these quotes are about perspective. Instead of finding yourself, look at creating yourself. Every day is a blank canvas, a do over. What will you create today? Even if things are thrown at you that are out of your control, you are at the wheel that navigates your day, week, month and life. You steer through them. What you do makes a difference. We won’t always see the difference, just believe that you are making a difference. You are changing and affecting the energy around you every second of your life. When you adapt to this mindset things around you evolve.

I was going to skip my live Tuesday Talks at 10:30 this morning. I was up early with the new pup and relaxed on the couch afterwards and thought, I’m going to go back to sleep. It’s only one talk that I will miss. I can schedule a repeat from one of the past talks. No one will notice. Blah blah blah in the self-talk I did in my sleepy head. But then I remembered, I will be traveling home next Tuesday and may not be able to go live. Do I repeat again? Then what happens the next Tuesday and Tuesday after that? Where does the habit start and stop? So here I am meditating about what to speak on and the quote that jumps out at me is “Act as if what you do makes a difference.” Ok, my Guides are loud and clear that this is something that I need to do. If I believe I am creating a safe place for each of you who watch or read my blog and if I truly believe I make a difference, then I have to faithfully create this environment for you.

How many times do you ponder what your soul purpose is in this life? Do you feel lost or in search of something? Let me remind you, that you are not lost. Every moment of the day, you are creating remnants of your energy, of who you are. You are changing your life and touching others in ways you cannot even fathom. You matter.

The fact that you tune in at 10:30 every Tuesday or are reading my words right now, humbles and amazes me at the same time. You are here digesting the words I have been given to help you find peace within yourself. My goal is always that the messages will touch at least one person. The ones who need to hear it. To help them realize they are loved and not alone. My words come from my heart in validation that you know I am in your corner rooting for you. My prayer is that you will pass along these thoughts to help others. I speak as though I am making a difference and to let you know that you make a difference.

Running two businesses, I am more or less forced to be on social media a lot. There are a lot of positive things social media can do for a business. I have chosen to scroll past the trolls, the Debbie downers and the political argument starters. Negative words are like a wildfire swirling out of control at the hands of writers who sit behind the keyboard and throw more fuel on the fire. I chose to look for quotes that challenge me to be better. I pray for those in need of prayers. This is a decision I made a few years ago when a post I read affected me to the core. It broke my heart of how judgmental people could be. My motto, “do not judge what you do not understand”. This one post created such chaos in my energy that I vowed to ignite light into my posts. Make a difference in the world and it will affect everyone around you. It will help you find your tribe. Set your boundaries. Decide what you will and will not accept. Without boundaries, you will be lost and looking for your purpose.

When I go back to my original procrastinating thought of possibly not being available next Tuesday, I think, this one has to hit home and last for two weeks. With this in mind I share the fact that we never know how many days we will wake up. How many sleeps till our final sleep. Never stop dreaming, being, doing, becoming, creating because my friend, you make a difference to others. Say I Love You, enjoy life, create the life you love. There are enough complainers in this world. Challenge the exclamation point of good and joy that is absorbed in your life and energy and those around you.

Be the light for others. “Act as if what you do matters.” Life isn’t about finding yourself; life is about creating yourself.

Working to ignite the light for the world!



We Honor Mothers


“You Gave Me Forever Within Numbered Days”