Who’s Talking to Me?
A glimpse into my head and probably yours as well. Who is always talking to me?
I’ve recently been on an above average (for me) reading kick. More so than usual. If you’ve read my blogs in the past or the books I have written, you’ll notice that I like to give you my thoughts on quotes and sayings and how they have changed my perspective on things. I feel as though I have grown because of them. Today’s blog is the same only different. I absolutely have a book buying addiction. I love books stores. How does anyone purchase just one book? I love the way they look, feel and smell. The way I gently place them on my bookshelves and the headboard of my bed. One side is for those I’ve read, and the other side is for the books in waiting. I get excited to start a new book and even more so when I am getting to the end. To completely absorb the words on the page and think about the next book. I even date them in the front of the book of the day I finished them in pencil so, if I pick it up again, I know I will gather additional things I missed. Reading the writer’s experiences and how to advice, then coming to the conclusion of how I can use this in my everyday life. A few months ago, I committed to myself that I would digest at least two chapters a day. To me, it helped tune out all the propaganda in the news these days. Of, course, you might guess that all the books I’m reading have to do with Spirit, paths, Shamans, energy and the soul. In just under three months, I have completed 9 books and I’m currently reading books 10 and 11. The 10th book I’m reading is very deep, so I have to be in the right frame of mind, so I have a pinch hitter that is lighter but oh, so interesting. This is the book I want to talk about today.
I just started reading “the untethered soul. the journey beyond yourself” The writer, Michael A Singer, did not capitalize the title, so neither did I. This book also comes with a journal and once I have completed the book, I’ll go back and journal and probably reread chapters of these amazing words of wisdom. What drew me into this book is a quote from Deepak Chopra, “Read this book carefully and you will get more than a glimpse of eternity.” Do I have your attention? It surely got my attention.
Only a few chapters in and it has brought to my attention the voices inside of my head. You know the one. It is probably speaking to you right now as you read my words. He referenced the voice as your inner roommate. Great description. If you’ve had a roommate, sometimes you like the way they speak and other times you wish they would stop talking. Have you ever had a moment where you’ve thought to yourself, “What was I thinking?” Yes, me too, more times than I’d like to mention. My inner roommate quickly goes from one subject to another. It can even take on both sides of the conversation, giving me offensive and defensive moves in one breath. I find myself in an inward argument with myself. Some of these conversations keep me up at night. I prepare a conversation in my head to have a conversation with someone, thinking of all their responses so I can have a response to what they may or may not say. I often wonder if there is an off switch to this voice inside my head. Do you? There are actually times that I tap on my forehead and say out loud, “stop talking!” But it does not stop. We’ve gotten so used to this intrusive voice because it has always been there. We just except it because what else can we do?
Well, Michael A. Singer suggests that we consciously listen to what it is saying. This voice can be the voice of reason because it speaks from our past experiences and shows you best- and worst-case scenarios. But it can also lie to you. This voice, if given the power, can suggest the most outlandish outcomes or talk down to you. Making you feel as though no matter how hard you try; you will never succeed. Are you shaking your head and thinking, yes, I understand, that happens to me all the time? My mind just will not shut off. Where is this voice coming from and why is it always talking? What do you want from me?! I want you to pause and think about the tone or accusations of this dialogue inside your head. Is it cheering you on, or putting you down? He suggests a practice of listening and then practice redirecting your thought process.
As you might have already guessed, I’ve started doing this. But, before I did, I looked at some of the chapter titles. I wanted to see what I was in for. Here are some of the titles of the chapters. See if you go, oh…I get where this is going? “Who are you”, “The Secrets of the Spiritual Self”, “Let Go or Fall”, “Removing Your Inner Thorn”, “Steeling Freedom from Your Soul”, “Taking Down the Walls”, “The Path of Unconditional Happiness”, “The Spiritual Path of Nonresistance”, “Contemplating Death”, and “The Loving Eyes of God”. Interesting, right? These are all things we have discussed within our own mind hundreds of times. We’ve had these conversations at one time or another with ourselves but not always finding the answers we are looking for. I have found through paying attention to the direction of my inward conversations I can help meet past unresolved issues and wounds. A safe place where I can actively come to the understanding of how much I have overcome as well as habits that need corrected.
In a reading I facilitated last night, I had time to ask if anyone had any questions. I don’t always have the time, but this was a small group, and I wanted to offer a safe space where they could ask. One woman stated, “I wish I could actually speak to and hear my loved one.” I instantly thought about this particular books. I asked her if she had conversations in her head with them, knowing exactly how they would respond? She nodded her head yes. My next few questions were, why would you feel that this was not an actual conversation with them? Is there the slightest possibility that through the spiritual realm they were speaking with you telepathically? She replied, “I’d love to think that.” I replied then accept it as so and try not to allow your right brain and left brain fight with you all because you didn’t audibly hear them. You heard them in the way you need to. They spoke to you heart and your mind. I think that is beautiful. This brought a smile to her face, and it seemed to bring her a bit of peace. I was still in channel mode, so I felt this was a direct answer from Spirit to her.
I want to piggyback on what the book is addressing about the dialogues that spin in your head. When you have a decision to make and you are running all the scenarios in your head, invite your loved one into the conversation. It might go something like this; I’ll chose my mom, but you may choose anyone on the other side. “Mom, what do you think I should do?” Then pause for a moment, you know what she’ll say, visualize her in front of you giving you advice. Then, thank her for her help and ask her to continue to speak with you. All they want is an invitation and your belief that you are connecting with them. It takes practice, but you can do it. I have faith in you.
You’ll hear a lot of voices in your head. One of my personal favorites is Uncle Glen. When I’m confused or sad about something, I imagine his face. He is sitting beside me and in Uncle Glen fashion he taps my hand groughly, looks into my eyes and says, “You’re my best friend. Oh, how I love you.”" I’ve replayed this experience I’ve had with him hundreds of times. I know the wrinkles in his hands and around his eyes. I know the strength behind those taps and what his cologne smells like and for that moment in time, he is with me. It quiets the voices in my head, even if only a small moment in time. The conversations stop, I am not alone, he is here with me.
This concept has been true since the beginning of time. We just gloss over it. Even William Shakespeare once said, “This above all: to thine self be true and it must follow as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.” To thine own self be true. Speak truthfully to yourself, in the best way possible. Really start to listen and trust yourself in what you say and think about yourself.
After practicing active listening, try to find the quiet, no voices, just silence. It may only be a few seconds, but it will come. Then when you find the quiet, invite in your loved one and speak with them. This practice can and will aid you into awakening the consciousness of Spirit to guide you.
In only a few chapters, this is what I’ve learned. I’m excited to finish and see what other aha moment I receive. You know I will share them with you at some point.
In paying attention to how I speak to myself, I learn a little more about who I am, but it also allows me to connect more instinctually to who is speaking and guiding me. I challenge you to turn off the TV, Radio, social media, News and turn your attention to your thoughts. In doing this consciously redirect when spiraling and invite your loved one, guides, angels, God, consciousness into the conversation and notice how your energy changes. Maybe, just maybe it will help you live the life you love and love the life you live.
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