Welcome June

Happy June. Happy halfway point of 2024.

I wanted to welcome in June with researching the meaning of June. In numerology, 6 is considered to be the “mother” of the numbers. It brings connections with family and important relationships. It craves trust, sympathetic emotions and energy, gentleness, caring and romance.

The month of June was named after Juno, the ancient Roman Goddess in Greek mythology. Juno is the Goddess of love, marriage and wisdom. Digging a little deeper into the ancestry of Juno I found she was the daughter of Saturn - God of time, generations, abundance and dissolution and also the daughter of Oops- called the Earth Goddess. She was the wife of Jupiter - God of the sky and thunder. The King of the Gods. Juno was the mother to Mars - God of war and agriculture, Vulcan - God of fire, Bellano - Goddess of war and Lucina - Goddess of childbirth. All virtues of family. We strive to produce bounty for our children.

Juno’s sacred animal is the peacock. In spirituality and religion, the peacock represents many different things such as pride, immortality, resurrection, eternal life, beauty, rebirth, wealth, good luck, power, strength, confidence, timelessness, wisdom, self-discovery, empowerment and peace. The tear drop shape at the top of the feather represents 3rd eye awakening.

June’s symbolic flowers are the Oak - symbol of life, strength and stability. Honeysuckle - symbolizes renewal, attraction, love and it ushers in balance. And also the Rose - symbolizing love connections, devotion, dreams and fertallity.

Summer solstice is June 20th. It is the longest day of the year. It is said that this is the time the sun spirals its’ longest dance and prayer. I bless you with bounty, fertility, true destiny bringing to you the ability to live in a loving intent. The solstice celebrates the bounty of life, desire, passion, and sensuality. It brings in the next step of “divine rhythm” and balance.

There are two zodiac signs associated with June, Gemini from May 22-June 21 known as the twins, known to juggle passion, hobbies, careers and friends. Cancer from June 22 to July 22 known as the nurturer, loyalty, foundation and strength.

June stones are alexandrite - to attract and keep love in your life. Moonstone helps connect you to your dreams and emotions and Pearl which is the symbol of purity.

Researching June, it occurred to me why this month is so popular for weddings. The entire month is surrounded in love, connection, balance and bounty. Imagine have a June wedding and incorporating all this symbols.

Peacock feathers for eternal life together. Bringing beauty, strength, timelessness, peace, self-empowerment as two become one.

Oak leaves for strength and stability in the union.

Honeysuckles - to keep love and attraction and usher in balance

Roses for devotion, love, connection, dreams and fertility.

Numerology of the sixth month - family, relationships, trust, sympathetic energy gentleness.

Juno represent all of the things we need to build foundational relationships. Looking into her family tree, June created a blossoming month. Take some time to spend time in the garden, really look at the colors and shapes, ground yourself, soak in the sunlight, the warmth and the smell of honeysuckle. Grow, blossom, rejuvenate in the bounty of the earth.

If the first half of 2024 has been challenging, walk into June and allow renewal, love and connections to be at work. Invite in your peacock feather of 3rd eye awakening and trust your intuition, ground, go outside. Be open to receive what God brought to us from the symbolism of Juno.

Invite in a clearer understanding for your path, invite in love, send out love. Bask in the sunlight, breathe in the scent of the flowers. After all it is your time to blossom in love, abundance, dreams, strength and connections.

Receive the dance of the sun blessing you and share your blessings with others

Have a wonderful June.

I pray you live the life you love and love the life you live.



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