Random Phrases of Forgotten Memories

Over the past four years, I have been coming to you with Tuesday Talks. Offering suggestions, exercises, or phrases that hopefully help you know you are loved, and you are not alone. I often feel as though these thoughts are channeled from my higher self and are guided messages.

This week, I’ve been practicing on quick writings as I’m working on another book. I’ve been practicing with books and cards that prompt me on subjects. They suggest words and activities to write about quickly. In the spirit of the practice exercise, I thought I’d use the “story-Matic” cards by randomly pulling a few cards to prompt my message for you today. The phrases that I pulled were mail carrier, person with hidden talent, photo album, first night alone and sudden return of forgotten memory.

Wow, great prompts. I had so many flashes in my mind, but they all came back to grief. It may be because I serve in the spiritual grief realm and speak of death a lot, but these words really spoke to me.

Think back to a time when you lost someone close to you. I’m asking you to remember the first night alone after hearing the news. We go through so many mixed emotions during this time. There is a process to grief and adjustment. During this process we do similar things like pick up a photo album and thumbing through it slowly. We tend to Run our fingers over their face on the picture. Closing your eyes and transporting yourself back to that moment in time of forgotten memories. Each and every photo is like a special delivery message from our loved one, “our spiritual mail carrier”. We hear the conversations we had that day. We remember why we were together, maybe it was a special occasion, a trip or a party celebrating them. We examine the pictures closely. I always look into the eyes as they are a pathway to the soul. When you see their smile, stop for a minute and remember how their laugh sounded. You do not have to have a special talent in order to bring these memories forward. Talk to them. Take some time alone and notice things you may have missed before, but are so obvious in the photo. Even if you are thinking, well, Stacey, no one uses photo albums anymore, it’s all on our phones or computers. These items also hold all the memories. The cool thing about technology is that you can blow the pictures up and see every detail. It helps me hear their voice in my head and in my heart. My phone is a time machine, that transports me back in time. I see all they meant to the others in the photos and feel what they meant to me. This one exercise may help you through the first night alone, or the second or the third. However long it takes, the heart knows no timeline on mourning. These photo snippets of their life with you, those hidden memories can make you laugh and smile and yes, they will bring a loving tear to your eye. But the tears are those irreplaceable moments they gave just to you.

How many times have you seen the quote on social media that says, “I wish heaven had a phone so I could call you”? I really do believe that spirit has thought mail. What I mean is when you think of them, they know it, they feel it and they are gathered around you. Just like when you notice a sign and think of them, yup, spiritual mail carriers sending you songs, signs and symbols that they are close by.

I have clients that tell me that they speak to their loved one every day. That is vibrational thought, and that vibration is felt by the ones in spirit. There are waves of grief that flood over us to the point we may feel as though we are drowning. Close your eyes, touch your heart, look up and say, “I miss you.” They will hear you.

There was a quote I posted on Monday that made a lot of sense to me. The quote was “Tell your children that the soil holds the ashes of their grandparents. That the earth is full of the lives of their ancestors. That the earth is sacred.” I absolutely love this. The earth is sacred because it is a part of our ancestors who worked the land, who had all types of talents and who paved the way for us without them even knowing we would one day exist. They built the family foundation that surrounds us. Over the years we have grown and evolved from all the lessons that were passed down from them. And one day, we will be the ancestors who will have forwarded these traditions to our families. I often think of certain phrases I heard from my elders, recipes and remedies. These are all part of who we are because of who they were. They are still living energy inside of us that we carry with us every day.

Grief is hard. The waves can be crazy. Try to remember these few word prompts and remember the memories. Think about the foundation that helped us exist. You may find these memories help on that first night alone. One that will help you to get through the upcoming days and nights. By going through the photo album of your heart and mind, those forgotten memories, you will cherish for the rest of your life. You will be ok even on the days you are not ok.

Blessings of peace,


To watch the full episode go to https://fb.watch/tYDaA_N7qN/


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