Manifest with The Best

I pulled a card the Archangel Michael Deck by Radleigh Valentine to receive guidance on what to speak about today. The card I pulled says “you will manifest what you need. Express gratitude as if your plans have already come to pass. Trust your angels are bringing you the assistance you need.”

Wow, what a great topic to cover. To manifest is a public display of feelings and actions of something that you will make real. You believe it will happen, no questions, it’s just a matter of fact. So aligned with the faith in believing, “ask and it shall be given, knock and the door will open. Believe and trust it will happen. “

There are several things you can manifest. It can be opportunities, such as a job or ask that an obstacle be removed. In order to get the ball rolling, here are a few things to stop doing:

  1. Stop talking badly about yourself or your situation. You're focusing your energy on the wrong thing.

2. Stop overanalyzing everything. Have faith in your mental stability. Be a work in progress instead of accepting defeat before starting.

3. If you feel like your mind is spinning out of control; pause, breathe, rethink then move forward.

4. Tell yourself that the opinions of others will only make your decision better, it won’t stop you from succeeding unless you allow it.

5. Stop comparing yourself to others.

Here is what to do instead:

  1. Practice gratitude and service to others. Every morning think of things you are grateful for. Think about how you could be a blessing to someone.

2. Change the way you speak. Take the negative words out and replace them with action words. Instead of if it happens, say when it happen.

3. Take responsibility for the things in your life. Keep what you need and disregard the rest.

4. Believe that good things happen every day. Invite abundance into your life.

5. Keep in mind that like attracts like. If you think you can, then you can. If you think you can’t then you can’t.

6. Meditate and visualize what you are manifesting.

7. Sometimes, you need to get uncomfortable in order to be comfortable. Face things head on.

8. Make a plan of action(s) that make you feel happy. Raise your energy vibration.

9. Trim the fat. Surround yourself with people who believe in you. If your tribe doesn’t believe in you, time to look for a new tribe.

10. Dream and manifest to bring out the best possible outcome.

So those are a few dos and don’ts. Now, to figure out what to manifest. Is it a new job, relationship, home, education etc.? Get a clear vision of where your passion is pulling you. To pinpoint it more fill in the blanks to these questions:

How would it feel to have ______? What would it look like to have ____? Do I believe there is a way to receive ____? Do I believe I deserve to receive ____?

Thing to do:

Be willing to put in the time and work. Practice letting go of doubt. Keep it to yourself for a bit. Create a vision/manifestation board accompanied with a vision journal and note your process along the way. Add mantras and affirmations to your daily thought process and your daily actions. Speak it. Keep your word with yourself. Don’t mislead yourself. Meditate and pray, ask for guidance and signs. Surround yourself with positivity. This is books, music, tv shows, people you associate with, social media etc. The words that are in bold are important: willing, practice, keep, create, accompanied, process, mantras, affirmations, speak it, meditate, pray, ask, guidance, surround, and positivity. It won’t happen if you have no faith and conviction to putting in the work. Walk the walk. Mean what you say and trust that the universe is hard at work making a path for this to happen.

You are creating a vision for your future and for future generations. You are putting in the time and energy so trust in the process. Believe this dream will become reality, when you align your thought and actions accordingly.

Dig deep and uncover the why? Then ask boldly. Do you truly believe it will happen, or do just hope it will happen? Stand firm on what you wish to accomplish. Take action, recognize what may be holding you back. Address it and move on. What brings you closer to achieving the end result? Make a plan and put it into action. Celebrate every step you take that brings you closer to the end result.

Things may creep into your mind and energy. Here is what you do. Anxiety shows up, acknowledge it and move on. Fear, acknowledge and continue. Self-doubt, acknowledge and overcome it. If you are overthinking it, it is worry and you don’t fully trust yourself. If you are manifesting worry is not a factor because you know it to be so. To acknowledge these feelings, think about why they showed up. Don’t allow it to overpower you and steal your dream. Get out of your own way.

The secret is not just positive thought, it is followed by actions that are surrounded in faith.

Stay grounded or get grounded. Find clarity. Set your intention. Speak it. Write it down. Trust and let go. Repeat as needed.

I pray that you are living the life you love and loving the life you live. If not manifest the best life ever.


To hear more about manifesting Tuesday Talks at 10:30 click here


Walking by Faith, Not by Sight -One Medium’s Thought Process


Using Angel and Oracle Cards