Living From the Inside Out
Something to think about….
I have a mentor who says always tells us to practice a morning meditation. When you wake up in the morning, touch your heart, inhale deeply, and say, “today, I am going to live from the inside out.” Allowing yourself to be venerable with love through your intuition and emotions.
We get so caught up in how we look in our physical appearance, possessions, our careers and how others view us. It can cause a callous around our actual emotions. This callous protects what is inside of our minds. It blocks who we truly are.
Think about the clothing you wear. We don’t wear them inside out. We don’t show the seams, the tag, the makers mark. You don’t show the small imperfections that are on the inside. We hide the loose threads and the discolored fabric. It was meant to wear right side out to show the fancy stitchwork and buttons. The best side is showing not how it was created. This made me think of the way we tend to live our lives. Putting on a “front” to put your best foot forward. We hide emotions and traumas. These things have molded us into who we have grown to be. Hiding the seams and frayed strings.
But I am asking you to think for a moment if it would be possible for you to live a day led by your loving thoughts and actions? Would you be willing to try this experience, or would you fear what others may think? Finding the courage to say and do the things you feel? Just allowing yourself to be vulnerable to the world. By definition, it would mean “making choices and taking actions based on your own inner values and beliefs, rather than being influenced by what others may think or what you think is expected of you.”
There is a story I am going to add that I want you to absorb deeply. It is from the book “Life” by Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward. It is called
“Take Time”
“Take time to smell the roses“ it has been said. The spirit of this quote is correct. I feel. However, I am not sure about that “take time” part. If you think about it, there is no such thing as “taking time”. Time just is. It clicks along at a terrifyingly steady pace as we go about our business. Time won’t stop, pause, halt, or even slow down. In fact, the older I get, the more I’m convinced it speeds up. Time itself is almost impossible to define. Perhaps it’s a measure of existence from the perspective of how much of it has already gone by. Nowadays a year feels like three months. In a decade or so? Well, mere minutes, I suspect. I received word yesterday that a business associate passed away suddenly. From all outward appearances he was otherwise in perfect health. Gone. Just like that. I am saddened for the loss felt by his family and friends, and I am hopeful that he knew the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as his own. Also, his death causes me to think the deep questions that often hide out at the far extreme of my consciousness. Things like this tragic news seem to chase those thoughts out onto center stage, overpowering their bashfulness and forcing them to be clearly seen. I am reminded of our mortality, of the brief stopover that this life is, and the purpose we are to serve while here. Stop. Think. Pray. Then be about what it is you were created to be about. Only you can do what only you can do. So, stop wasting time waiting, arranging, planning, scheming, or preparing. Get busy being and doing. And while you’re at it, hug someone you love and let them know how you feel. Who knows, it just might be your last chance.
I love the way he explains that we cannot just take time. Time just is. Using this perspective of his story makes me think about clients who have voiced that if they had known when they last spoke that it would actually be the last time, they would have said other things. Or friends saying had they known that an illness coming upon them they would have done different things. We all have these short comings or regrets, but I feel that if we were to adjust our thinking to live our life from the inside out there may not be as many missed opportunities. Did you also notice he said, “from his outward appearances he was otherwise in perfect health” notice the words from his outward appearances.
We are all unique humans and for some reason we feel we need to be like everyone else. We lose our uniqueness because of our fear of what others may think. We were created to do miraculous things but as the writer of the above story says, “our mortality, of the brief stopover that this life is”. What are we pausing for? Go, live your best life. But how do I start?
First, find the confidence to acknowledge your beliefs. Figure out what your priorities are and what is what is most important in your life. Find the things you want to spend time doing.
Realize that inner strength is not taught or learned. We pick up the burden of the fear of not being good enough. Unfortunately, this is something we have learn quickly and we accept it. Somewhere along the way it seemed easier to not do something because of fear. Develop the inner strength to shut down the negative self-talk.
Make it a practice to look deep into yourself. Search for your soul purpose not just for the world to see but what we can be proud of representing. What legacy do you want to leave behind?
Always being truthful with yourself is important for your growth. Remember when you were a child, were you taught to always be truthful? Were you taught to be seen but not heard? Our voices were muffled from a young as to teach us to listen with respect. Now is the time to respectfully use your voice, especially the inner voice.
Giving yourself permission to put yourself first. When you live from the inside out, you are being kind to yourself. Which in turn enables you to show kindness to others. Being aware that not everyone is kind and make this difficult sometimes.
Stop, pause and ask yourself how you really think about things. Sometimes the answers need to be no, instead of yes out of obligation. Observe your own motions and movement. Observe yourself, your reactions or responses to situations and to others will tell you a lot about yourself. Strive to become the best unique person you already are but sometime hide this from others. Life experiences can help you grow or stunt your growth. Which do you choose?
I’m sure you are familiar with the term that your life is turned inside out or upside down. Think of the mess if you were pulled your home off its foundation and completely turned it over. A strong foundation is important for your home. Your energetic home is you. If you live from the inside out it can bring you balance. It is ok to notice your imperfections and short comings and not be stuck in them. There is outside thinking. When issues come up, big or small, pause and weigh your options. Explore and commit time to find multiple solutions. Solutions can help you heal from the inside out. Believe in yourself and make the decision to face the issue and problem solve the ability to walk through it gently. It is a way to divide and conquer the outside world.
All of the above actions and thought processes are heart centered. In love and faith that all things will turn out for the best when your intentions are heart centered.
Instead of confusion you will find understanding. Instead of pain you will find healing. Instead of anger, there is peace. Gentle words, compassion, dignity and integrity would grow and thrive. It may seem impossible, but it starts one moment at a time. I want you to think about what the world around you might look like. Waking up with a smile on your face, knowing everything will be ok. What a world we could live in. Using this practice one moment at a time. One person at a time. The entire world won’t change but it could change your world. We spoke last week about the law of attraction. “What you place out in the world comes back to you. Positive thought and actions lead to positive outcomes.”
When you think of the law of attraction, I’d like you to add to the steps. Here is how it would look.
When you ask the universe for what you want, follow it up by asking what you can do to better the world you live in.
When you believe you will receive what you want, show gratitude and share your abundance.
When you are clear in the purpose be sure it is for your higher good as well as the higher good of others.
When you visualize your success visualize the success of others as well.
When you take action, be positive. Do your part.
When you have intentional communication, speak it clearly in faith for the completion. See it out. Don’t give up because of fear. God won’t do things for you that He can do through you.
I have a challenge for you. Tomorrow when you wake up, place your hand on your heart, inhale deeply and say, “today I will live from the inside out, with the intention to show love and kindness to the world and to myself.” Practice this exercise for a week, for a month or longer. While doing this journal how your day, week or month changes. I guarantee the world around you will look totally different.
Living from the inside out will help you to live the life you love and love the life you live.
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