Help Heal Others

Ok, I’ve got a lot to say today, so get yourself a drink and a cozy comfy chair. Open your mind to the possibilities of healing others.

I’ve had a lot going on these past few weeks and I want to share it with you. Three weeks ago, I was at Omega Insitute studying and learning from Evidential Medium, Tony Stockwell. It was unbelievable. Two weeks ago, we hosted Karma Fest, here at Hip Gypsy Emporium. This past weekend I had the pleasure of studying signs, symbols and dreams with Spirit Artist Joe Shiel and Evidential Medium John Holland. Well, guess who is all jazzed up in energy? This girl. These past few weeks are exactly what I needed to refresh my energy. I met so many people either on their spiritual path or just starting to figure it out. It was amazing. It was as if someone replaced the wipers on my windshield and I could see clearly again.

Let’s talk about this past weekend’s eye-opening class on signs, symbols and dreams. There are thousands of books on this subject but the thing to remember is that all signs and symbols mean different things to different people. The signs strike a memory of something for us so that we have a better understanding of what the universe is telling us. If you follow me on social media, you saw the photos or the video I posted of the double rainbow after the last class. I was in the hotel and decided to walk across the street to get a bite to eat. It was about 7:15 pm. As I walked outside the sky was glowing with a double rainbow. The colors were so bright, and the rainbow seemed to be vibrating. I love seeing rainbows, it reminds me of Kermit the Frog singing the Rainbow Connection song. “Have you been half asleep and have you heard voices? I’ve heard them calling my name. Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors? The voice might be one in the same. Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers and me.” I love what this song means. It touches me deeply. But that is another blog.

A rainbow is a symbol of hope and promise after a storm. It’s God saying everything is going to be ok. A double rainbow is said to symbolize good fortune and happiness. Spiritually it means, hope, love, happiness and growth. A message from a deceased loved one, an angel or a guardian angel signifying you are on a spiritual journey, new beginnings.

While driving to the class in New Jersey I listened to several Podcasts. One was James Van Praagh speaking about manifesting. Then a Mel Robbins podcast one on what do you really want and, yup, manifesting. It made me thinks well isn’t that interesting, while packing to come to New Jersey for class I was listening to a class by John Holland that was on manifesting. Ok, my guides have my attention. It is like they are saying “Listen up Stacey, you have things to manifest.”

And yet, there was one more. While driving home speaking with my daughter on the phone. (yes, I was hands free not holding my phone) a big box truck pulled into my lane. The truck was white but the doors in the back were dirty. Someone took the time to draw two eyes and under the two eyes it said Look up Matthew 16:23. I was driving so I was unable to snap a photo to show you all. My daughter looked it up and read it to me. Here is what it said. “But He turned and said to Peter, Get behind me, Satan! You are a hinderance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but the things of man.” It explained the meaning. “This verse can be taken to mean that people can become a hinderance to God when they are more concerned with their own preference than the things that honor God. That we actively get in the way.”

I told you all of that to tell you about something I have been struggling with for a few months maybe even years. I believe with everything in me that my path, passion, calling is to help as many people heal as possible. In the past few weeks, I have been told multiple times by multiple people, “you can’t heal everyone, or you can’t help everyone.” My answer is always, yes, I can, if not me then who? If I can help one person at a time and they help two or three people and they start the healing process, then they will tell more people. It is the ripple effect multiplied over and over again.

So, as the one podcast said, ask yourself “why” four times to get to the deeper meaning. So, I stopped and asked myself why do I feel the need to help other heal? Our world has gotten so strange in the past few years. I actually looked up some statistics. Approximately 10% of the 21 million people in the US over the age of 18 are dealing with depression. An additional 19.1% anxiety disorder and of those 19.1%, 6.2% are categorized as sever anxiety disorder. That’s a lot of people but it goes on to explain that 70% (14,700,000) adults have had a traumatic event at least once in their lifetime and six out of one hundred people have had or will have PTSD 8% of those are age 13-18. More than 57% (11,970,00) of Americans reported experiencing a major loss in the last 3 years.

So, we go to my second why I feel I need to help heal the world. I looked at certified therapist available. I did that because only 11.6% 18-44 years of age are in therapy. That’s not many considering the numbers above. In this US in 2022 there were only about 106,500 licensed psychologists available. The numbers don’t add up. If you need help, help is available, but these psychologists are a small team for the amount of people needing help. So, where can you turn? Family and friend? We are not therapists, but we can be a listening ear. I don’t give you these numbers just for some stats I looked up. These are people needing help.

This brings me to my third why. When I think of people suffering to the point of not wanting to be on this earth, it absolutely breaks my heart. To the families left behind with unanswered questions is unimaginable to me. Now, I know that sometimes nothing can change the result. But something changed for the 1.6 million who attempted but did not complete it. There are never any right or wrong things to do in these situations. We never know what people are thinking until this is their final thought. My thoughts and prayers are for all those who have been affected by this lose.

The fourth why is but why now? I’ve been there. I’ve suffered with anxiety and depression. Although I was able to have a supportive family and a therapist it still felt as though I was alone, and no one understood. I don’t know that I was ready to leave this earth, but I had an understanding of why some do. If I can help anyone not feel alone on an island, unseen, not feeling heard or needed, then that’s what I’ll do in any way I can.

Here’s my thought process. I do Tuesday Talks at 10:30 every Tuesday with a follow up blog and email. I would like to believe these messages are God inspired. To feel sure that the message is needed for someone in particular on the day I speak on a subject. This small gesture may help someone without me ever knowing.

If you don’t know where to start, here are 10 things you can do to help heal a wound that you don’t even know exists with someone.

  1. Smile and make eye contact with someone. Let them know you see them. - Heals a wound

  2. Acts of random kindness. No matter how big or how small. Do what you feel pulled to do. - Heals a wound

  3. Send a text to someone that says, “thinking of you”. - Heals a wound

  4. Say to family or anyone who does something for you. “Hey, I appreciate you.” - Heals a wound

  5. Show kindness. In your voice, actions and body language. - Heals a wound.

  6. Check in on friends. Pop by. Pick something up for them that you saw and made you think of them. - Heals wounds

  7. Listen more than talk when a friend is hurting. (more on that later) - Heals wounds

  8. Love from the inside out. It shows. You will be approachable. Your energy will glow. - Heals wounds

  9. Build people up instead of tearing them down. If you don’t understand ask open ending questions not judgmental statements. - Heals wounds.

  10. Speak with insight and wisdom. Ask, “How can I help?” - Heals wounds.

    Number 7 says listen more than speak. When a friend comes to you, turn off the tv, the phone whatever may distract you and listen. After they tell you what is going on simple ask, “how do you feel about this or what are you going to do about this?’ And listen again. Don’t be the person who say, now you know how I feel and change the conversation around to make it about you. This does not help. After listening again quietly, simply ask, “How can I help you?” say is softly and sincerely. Let them be the ones to ask what would you do or how would you handle this. This is called active listening.

    These are a few things you can do to help raise the vibration around you. Together we can help change the world one person at a time. But it starts with us.

    Now, remember way up in the beginning about the rainbow and the verse? I’ve been asking for signs. Give me a sign that I am on the right path, the right vision. The double rainbow is hope, love and happiness. Keep going on this spiritual path. I have hope for the world and future generations to come. I try not to judge their ideas by asking open ended questions or saying help me understand your thought process. Love. Practice greeting those who you come in contact with every day. Speak in love from the heart. Check in with your body language and the tone of your voice. Is it loving, inviting, uplifting? It’s not always easy. I get in my own way a lot. Happiness. Our days are numbered. Try to be happy. If you are not happy, change something or ask for help. There are a lot of wise, loving people in your circle that care about you.

    When the sign on the truck with the verse came up it validated to me to get out of the way and allow God to show me what Creator can do. Be grateful for everything, even the hard lessons. They brought you to where you are right now. Above all, be grateful for all your experiences and adventures you’ve had and are about to have. Invite abundance into your life. Invite happiness and healing and growth. Manifest it. I realized in one of the podcasts that even though I manifest great things, sometimes my mind goes to the what ifs. I didn’t realize what my mind was constantly thinking about is what I also manifest. It is acknowledging those what if I can’t and changing them to, I’m working towards.

    Together, we can help heal the world one person at a time, but I need your help. On my social media group, I have over 6,000 followers. If 1% hear this message, that is 60 people I’ve touched. Those 60 speak to others. If you look at 52 weeks a year that is over 3000 people who have the ability to share their thoughts on helping others. That could reach 10,000 people if they help 2 or 3 people. I’ve done this for 4 years so maybe 40,000 people could have been impacted? I know it’s not the world, but it is a start. Who says, we can’t make a difference in this world and help those who need healing? Start by following those ten steps above and notice how the world around you begins to evolve.

    Creator’s rainbow symbolizes hope, love and a promise that it is going to be alright. Who agrees? Let’s raise the vibration of this world. Let’s agree to saturate our circle of influence. Forgive often, love always. Make a difference.

    Looking for a sign? Here it is in a quote,” Life is too short to be anything but happy. So, kiss slowly, love deeply and forgive quickly. Take chances, give everything you have, no regrets and forget the bad past. Just remember what it taught you.” I’ll add a line to that, then pass it on and share it with others.

    Heal one person at a time and see how your world changes and how you change. Get out of the way of God, allow the path to be shown and trust the direction you are being led. Trust, hope, happiness…A promise that everything is going to be ok. If you can help someone heal, do it. If you need help, ask.

    I am so thankful to each and every one of you. And even though I may not know you, I love and appreciate you. You have a purpose, and everything is going to be ok.

    Blessings for your healing journey and to all the healers who are helping make the world a better place.


    To watch this episode, go to


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