You Are Love and Light, Never to be Forgotten
Today, I want to discuss past lives and reincarnation. If you are not a believer in this, I am asking you to open your mind to the possibilities as you read. It is a subject I find quite fascinating.
I’ve been on a reading journey these last few months and a lot of the books circle around this subject matter. I’ve not only facilitated numerous regression and readings, I’ve also been regressed several time, each regression I’ve had different experiences in lifetimes. I acquired different information that answer questions of this lifetime. Dr Brian Weiss has several books on the subject as well as Alberto Villoldo. I truly believe that the soul continues after the body dies. The soul is a continuous reel of learning, growing and experiencing different aspects of life.
I felt the need to learn more after reading “Same Soul Many Bodies” where Dr Weiss, a psychiatrist and hypnotherapist, explains how he accidently received evidence of several past lives from one of his patients. Some of his other books are “Messages From The Masters”, “Through Time Into Healing”, “Only Love is Real” and “Many Lives Many Masters”. I have completed all but one of these books on the tales of reading Alberto Villoldo’s “Shaman, Healer Sage”, “Mending The Past and Healing the Future with Soul Retrieval” and “The Shaman’s Book of Living and Dying”. These books absolutely spoke to me. I’ve always been curious about the afterlife even before I walked into Mediumship. Angels, Archangels, Guides, Consciousness and Creator, to experience being presence intrigues me . Finding the answers to the multitude of questions I had and still have. Some have been answered through my spiritual journey but others I will have to wait till I leave my earthly body.
There is a passage in “Messages From The Masters” that turned a switch in my brain. The passage is entitled “Letting go of Insecurity” and it reads like this:
“Remember, the voice said. Remember that you are always loved. You are always protected, and you are never alone… You also are a being of light, of wisdom, of love… You can never be forgotten. You can never be overlooked or ignored. You are not your body; you are not your brain; not even your mind. You are Spirit. All you have to do is reawaken to the memory, to remember. Spirit has no limits, not the limit of the physical body nor of the intellect of the mind.”
This thought process has resonated within me for years. When you peel everything away - what is left is energy, love and spirit. Is that not what the elements of the soul are to be?
If you’ve ever experienced de ja vu, or met someone that you feel you have met before, could it be possible you are having a flash back from a past life? I am not a believer in coincidences, I am a believer in there is a reason for this particular moment in time. I wonder, if we stopped at this moment, meditated about this feeling would a memory of another life would spring forward into our consciousness?
One time that I was regressed, I was a women in a wagon train. We were under attack. I can vividly still see it in my mind’s eye. The clothing I was wearing. How I was seated on the bench of the wagon with the reins held tightly in my hands. I remember the fear I felt and the sounds of the reins slapping down on the horses pulling the covered wagon. I needed them to go faster. I remember the smell of the outdoor dust as the horses in front of me raced to get away from our attackers. Ultimately, when I turned to see if I was placing distance between those coming for me, my wagon wheel went over a large sharp boulder causing the wheel to break and the wagon to topple over, trapping me between the ground and my wagon. I remember a sharp pain in my hips and waist where a piece of the wheel had pierced through my body. I was left to die pinned beneath the wagon. I tell you this because when I was born into this lifetime, I had to wear a body cast for a while due to the fact that my hip was dislocated at birth. The socket was malformed and the body cast was to rejoin my leg and hip to the socket. Interesting, right?! I’m not sure if there was ever a reason as to why my hip was out of place but it seems evident to me that this was from the life I had before. I also have a very vivid memory, even to this day, of the cast being cut off of my body by my father. As a child I had a conversations with my mother about this memory and she said he did not cut off my cast. But, to this day I can clearly see where I am laying, who is there, the tools that were used and the fear I had followed by the comfort after it was removed. I could see my mother, my father and an uncle. I know what they were wearing, but it never happened or was this too a memory from a past life?
Phobias can also be caused from a past life memory. A few years ago, anything around my neck or even touching my neck would caused my heart to race. Wearing turtle necks shirts, necklaces even having a sheet touching my neck as I slept would give me instant anxiety. I am sure that a toxic relationship I was once in did not help but also during a regression I was hung in a past life. After knowing this the fear has lessened. It is still vaguely there but not as it once was.
I’ve researched and read several case studies that patients, once regressed healed from fears and phobias. Some fears were of the dark, claustrophobia, the water and fire. There were many others discussed but these are a few. Once the patient was taken to the original cause of the fear, seeing it and understanding the root cause the issue dissipated. The mind now had an understanding of the reasoning and saw the outcome. The realization of a new life beginning after floating into the spirit world. Receiving a better understanding then choosing to return to face a wrong doing or to right a wrong. (either to them or to someone they affected.) Something that was still left to complete in a future lifetime. This fascinates me.
Now stay with me, with your mind open to any and all possibilities. Think about the child proteges we hear of. They have a knowing or a natural talent for something; be it musically, mathematically, or scientifically. I know it may seem vast and unimaginable but I believe it is truly possible. Ponder this, Sir Isaac Newton was born January 4, 1643 and died of mercury poisoning March 31, 1727. He is known for scientific methods, Physics, alchemy, astronomy, laws of motion and the theory of relativity. But most of these concepts were not published until after his death. Albert Einstein was born March 14, 1979 and died April 19, 1955 from heart issues. Also known for developing the theory of relativity. Is it possible that Newton reincarnated a little over 100 years after his death to become Albert Einstein to complete his work? Einstein, at the age of 17 enrolled into the mathematics and physics teaching program graduating in 3 years in 1900, receiving a PhD only 5 years later at the young age of 22. I am in no way saying that it isn’t possible for someone to be highly intelligent but it is interesting to wonder about all of their similarities. Or maybe, Nikola Tesla born July 10,1856 passing January 7, 1943 also of heart issues. I looked into what mercury poisoning causes in the body and guess what, heart issues and well as hallucinations which causes brain and memory issues. All three of these men were known to be very eccentric but Einstein and Tesla take the cake of having odd or unconventional ways that may have seemed strange. Just a thought to ponder when thinking about reincarnation. Now, just so you know, this is not something I discovered, this was also brought up in a case study in one of the books I read. But it make you go hmmm, doesn’t it?
I could literally read hundreds of books on this subject and talk about the wonderment of it all. Between the experiences I’ve had while being regressed as well as the experiences of my clients.
I feel as though I also have to mention dreams. They can also be a snapshot into the past. Recently I was speaking to a friend (no names, of course) who has been having some struggles with a friend. This is someone she has been friends with for a while but things have shifted in the friendship which has opened her eyes to things she had overlooked before. During a conversation, she was blowing off some steam about something and off the cuff she said, “you know I had a dream about them before I even met them.” This was something I did not know. When she met them, this person felt familiar, because of the dream. Creating an instant connection. Now, years later, some unsettling things have occurred. I’m not going to go into the details of the dream but I will say they run a bit parallel to the happenings of today. As she is telling me about the dream she had commented that her back had been bothering her to the point of seeing a Dr. and having meds prescribed to her. These back issues seemed to flair up at the time of this dispute. I left her speak and then afterwards I responded with a question for her to think about. The question was, “Is there a possibility that you knew this person in a past life where this and this may have happened (bringing the similarities to the surface) and you feel as though they have stabbed you in the back? Would it be possible that in a past life you passed from being stabbed in the back by them or that you killed them this way?” Our mind, our energy, our soul remembers even if we do not. She responded, Oh my God, I never thought of that. I suggested that she take some time to meditate on the situation and ask to be shown when they first met. To be shown the first time there was an issue. To see what visions and answers appear. Would it not be amazing if she were to discover this to be true or a form of it true and by revealing it to her mind it would somehow ease the back pain?
To imagine the possibilities of studying this subject and the journey we may have once traveled blows my mind. If you have had a fear of something since childhood, have you ever stopped to wonder where it originated? Maybe an insecurity to a full blown fear or phobia. Maybe an unexplained birthmark that is a perfect shape of something. Are you drawn to a certain culture or way of life that is not present in how you currently live? There was a case study done on young twins who, before they could actually speak, would babble back and forth in a way that seemed as though they were communicating. The parents, out of curiosity took the children to a professional linguist and to their surprise, found that it was a very old language (I believe from Egypt) that very few people still speak. Studies of children saying, remember when I was big and my name was, and they say their former name. Or the child, who I believe was on a cruise with a relative, that when they got onto an island the child knew their way around and started speaking about the village that was once there. The relative asked around to find out the child was correct. Come on, how do you explain this other than past life recall?
I ponder the question over and over, how many times is it a coincidence until it is no longer a coincidence? If you’ve experienced anything like this, I’d love to hear about it. Feel free to email me your story.
“You are not your body, you are not your brain, not even your mind. You are Spirit. All you have to do is reawaken to the memory, to remember. Spirit has no limits, not the limit of the physical body or of the intellect of the mind.”
The beginning of the quote reads,
You are a being of light, of wisdom, of love. You can never be forgotten or overlooked or ignored.”
The part, never forgotten, never overlooked or ignored; gives me such peace when I think of those who have passed that meant so much to me. They are of Spirit, of light, never to be forgotten but a being of light that is surrounded in love and protection. What a great way to view death. It’s not really death, except of the body, they are the light and love that is within them.
May you always find a way to live the life you love and love the life you live.
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