Spirit Animals

Today, we are going to talk about Spirit Animals. We are all assigned guides when we come into this world, but what about Spirit Animals?

Through our journey, Spirit Animals come into play. We are inspired by their strength, beauty and intelligence. We are in amazement that some can fly, see at night or breathe underwater.

Are you the person who collects certain animals, either now or as a kid? Have you wondered why you were drawn to collect them? Maybe, they are part of your Spirit Animal family. As we grow older our needs change so it would make sense that we would be drawn to different animals.

The mystical thought process behind Spirit Animals; they are our life guides. Helping us develop our spiritual nature. Some say they are our journeying companions. They may only be with us for a short while to assist us through certain situations. While others believe they are messengers delivering hints, clues and nudges providing timely insight.

How do we connect with them? Seek with an open heart and mind. Trust what you feel, and nature will respond with answers. There are meditations to invite you guides to show themselves to you. You may be someone who constantly dreams of certain animals showing you a solution that has a resolution. When ideas, thoughts and dreams come through journal about your experiences. The more you are open to hearing and seeing them, give yourself permission to have a conversation with them. Ask your guides things like, why are you here, is there a solution to a situation? What am I to learn from you? Journal your thoughts, feelings and any insight you may have received.

I felt it helpful to write about a few animals that seem to be the most collectible. I researched about them and asked my guides for help. While reading about them, see what resonates with you. Be open, allow your mind to ponder why they are with you.

Let’s start with the elephant. The distinct key elements of elephant medicine are patient, loyal, wise, sees and engages life with sensitivity, values commitment, compassionate and a nurturer. They teach us to be determined, strong and stable. They impress us to remember important things. The elephant does not see well which heightens the ability to hear and are skilled listeners. This teaches us to hear our inner voice. They teach us to develop deep bonds. Even though they are large in size, the mother uses gentle guidance and encourages fairness. They show all emotions from rage to love to sorrow. Elephant nudges us to uncover vulnerability. To recognize the truth within ourselves in a gentle loving way.

Horse. The distinct key elements of horse medicine are to awaken and be open to adventure, opens the heart, encourages passion and joy. The horse teaches us beauty and grace. They inspire us to experience the joy of movement. Even mystical tales explain the horses to have wings or a magical horn. This symbolizes flight and power. The horse is loyal and encourages the thrill of freedom. They are friendly and free-spirited yet proud, powerful and graceful. They teach us to balance responsibility and freedom. Horse shows us to trust and respect our “soul journey”. A horse loves to run wild and free but is also sensitive to the needs of others. They sense our deep emotions and want to help.

Llama. Th distinct key elements of the llama, they are born natural healers, grounded in awareness, stimulates spiritual connections and aligns with energy. The llama teaches us to be attuned to high frequencies, intuition, sensibility while remaining centered. They are considered the antenna of the animal medicines. They ask us to tune into offering wisdom and inner development. Llamas are curious and know the value of seeking adventure and finding the answers. They are sure footed and journey with comfort and balance. They know their path and are caring and devoted to their herd. Llama reminds us to have simple yet skilled adjustments in our thought process. Connecting and aligning with energy they are subtle and powerful healers in all aspects.

Wolf. The distinct key elements of the wolf are free spirit, dedicated to the pack and family. Skilled planner of strategy. Learns and teaches wisdom through experience. The wolf medicine teaches us to be independent but extremely loyal to the pack. Adventure, faithfulness and responsibility is easily balanced. They avoid fighting but will stand their ground. They teach respect of self and fairness to their pack. They are clever, cunning and can problem solve. They teach us to work together with the cycle of change. Their strength is to share with us integrity, fierce, honest love. The wolf pushes us to know our true self and discover a path to follow and then to direct others to follow.

Cat. The distinct key elements of the cat are independent, self-confidence, intuitive, insightful and aligned. Known as the Goddess in Ancient Egypt gives them mystery and majesty. Cats are shape shifting, knowledgeable, able to be the holder of the secrets, free thinking. Cat teaches us independence, resourcefulness, graceful movement. Determination with unexpected breakthroughs. They are comfortable in the shadow they prowl at night. Cat helps us to confront and conquer our fears.

Dog. The distinct key elements of the dog are a loyal friend, self-service, enjoys the simple things, loves unconditionally. Dog medicine teaches us to be reliable, trustworthiness, loyalty, devotion and compassion. They are sensitive to smell and hearing. They are aware of their surroundings and will alert you of danger or an intruder. They watch over and guard us. They enjoy the hunt and being of service. They are devoted to both their family and the friends of their family. They encourage you to listen up, love completely. And they are a noble teacher.

Eagle. The distinct key elements of the eagle are, they are powerful teachers. Knows what they want, they communicate with spirit and express their true self. They teach us to use swift and focused actions. To go the distance, harness nature, see a different viewpoint with excellent vision. Be keenly aware of your surroundings. Their strong wings and talons take them where they need to go. They teach us to see the big picture. To see through deception. To elevate your awareness. To be stronger, clever and more accurate actions with not limitations. Allowing the journey to take you where you need to go. And they carry prayers to spirit.

Hummingbird. The distinct key elements of the hummingbird are fast talented flyers, inspires wonder, spreads joy and happiness. They teach us that even though they are the smallest bird they are the only one that can fly backwards, sideways and upside down. The wonder of life is magical, and their wings beat so quickly they hum linking to healing and vibrations. They visit 100s of flowers a day and are filled with energy. They are linked to revitalization and resurrection. Even though delicate in appearance they are strong. They encourage us to be brave. They want us to awaken to the wonder of the world around you.

Owl. The distinct key elements of the owl are they see in the dark, pierces illusion, they light the way to inner wisdom. Owl teaches us to search for inner vision. It is the bird of mystery, prophesying the secret knowledge. Keen night vision surveys the surrounding to quickly act and encourages movement. Being aware allows you to see through deception. They act as guides of dream and helps you to find your fears. Owl will help you see your fear and fly through it to conquer it.

Butterfly. The distinct key elements of the butterfly are beauty, patience, trust and transition. They teach us rebirth and transformation, wisdom and patience. Witnessing drastic transition, it allows us to unfold our imagination and open our wing and embrace the possibilities. With wings it embraces possibilities with legs and antennas they are able to feel the vibrations of the universe. They teach us to embrace new and different ways. They help us to lighten up and trust change.

These are only a few examples of spirit animals. While reading through the descriptions did anything resonate with you? The ones that resonate with you have meanings behind them that may give you a hint to why they are in your life and in your spiritual energy.


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