Earth School is in Session…..Soul Purpose Spiritual Path?

How do I find my spiritual path and my soul purpose? This is a question I am asked often. My answer, “where do you feel drawn? If time and money were no object what would you be doing and where would you be?” Some, instantly answer. Others remark they have no idea. They come up blank but they feel there is more for them to do.

Things to ponder, in the 24 Hour Book is a meditation that says put this into practice with faith and conviction. This is a good place to start.

I believe that life is a school in which I must learn spiritual things. I must trust God/Source and He will teach me. I must listen to God/Source and He will speak through my mind. I must commune with Him in spite of all opposition and every obstacle. There will be days when I will hear no voice in my mind and when there will come no intimate heart-to-heart communication. But if I persist, and make a life habit of schooling myself in spiritual things, God will reveal Himself to me in many ways.” The prayer or mantra that goes hand in hand with this is, “I pray that I may regularly go to school in things of the spirit. I pray that I grow spiritually by making a practice of these things.”

Do you feel that in your soul? Does it speak to you? Let’s break it down a bit. We’ve all gone to school to learn different things. We’ve been taught to read, write, communicate etc. When we’ve completed the traditional school, now life becomes our school. We can learn new things everyday if we pay attention. Just like in a classroom setting, if you are not paying attention and participating you are not completing learning all that is available to you. Life is filled with lessons that help us to grow into who we are to become.

As children, we look up to our teachers, we trust them and feel safe. Source is the greatest teacher of all offering daily lessons, tests, accomplishments and hard lessons. We learn from our teachers by speaking with them, listening and doing home work. This comes in the form of prayer and meditation when we are learning from Source. In the silence we strive to find clarity. If you’re not hearing a guided answer, ask again in a different way. Don’t give up. Ask until you hear/know/feel the path to follow. Communicate with a faithful, truthful heart. Think about getting to know someone you just meet. You talk and listen. Sharing stories to get to know each other. Treat Spirit the same way. A few weeks ago, we spoke about shower meditation. I received several emails and comments stating this made meditation attainable. Great! Put it into practice. Every time you are in the shower, meditate. Get quiet as the water washer away yesterday and cleanses you for a new day. Imagine the water at the top of your head being a great white light connected to Source covering you in love and alignment. Take the time to get quiet. Ask. Listen. Receive clarity. Doing this everyday will help you in your search for answers and provide a connection to Source. Ask your guides and Angels to draw near to you. Ask them, “What do I need to know today?” Listen to the feeling of the answers. It may be a small voice, a vision or a feeling. And, yes there will be days when the answers don’t seem to come. Ask again? No matter what is goin on in your life, Spirit already knows. They are waiting for you to invite them in for a conversation.

Spirituality isn’t something that only certain people can attain. It is inside all of us, waiting to be invited. To awaken us to listen. This is part of the homework. Speaking of homework, what daily practices do you do each day to learn? Do you read, listen to e-books, go to lectures, listen to podcasts? Pay attention to the small things around you and have class everyday. Earth school teaches us to prepare a connection to the higher realm. Look for signs and synchronicities, ask for them and they will appear.

If you are looking for your soul purpose, your spiritual path; visualize it and make a plan to acknowledge the learning process. Nurses don’t become nurses without schooling. Once they have completed school the passion of practicing what they have been taught makes them healers. Social workers, therapists go to school to learn human traits, traumas, emotions and so much more. Their passion comes alive when sharing what they’ve learned. They, too are healers. We are all healer in some form. We’ve healed from many things that have crossed our paths. We’ve survived and learned many things. When we take it one step further and begin to help others, then we are healers. What’s your super power? Are you a good listener, writer, organizer? Are you fascinated with herbs and plant medicine? Does stone energy peak your interest? What intrigues you? Where do you feel pulled or even pushed to do? I would love to hear about it. Email me at Let’s talk about where your soul is leading you. What subject can you speak about for hours that for some reason seems to come naturally to you? This is all part of who you are and what you are to become.

By making a practice of learning in earth school everyday, you are also teaching others what it takes to be you. The universe will speak to you and draw you in when you welcome in the teaching. When you pay attention and participate.

I pray I can regularly go to school in the spirit. Grow spiritually, learn spiritually and share what I have learned with the world. Let’s heal the world together, one person at a time.

Meditation and prayer can open up so many new possibilities of learning every day. Pay attention to what you are learning. Communicate with consciousness, Spirit, God, Angels, Guides, and your loved one who have passed. Ask questions believing that the answers, signs and direction will appear.

Be a faithful student in earth school. It will truly help you live the life you love and love the life you live.



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Only The Shadow Knows