September Mantras
“Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving.” - Albert Einstein
September is here. And with each new month we go back into the book “My Head Knows…But My Heart Still Hurts” and look at the new daily exercises to help us come back into oneness.
It is the 9th month of 2023 and we have worked through different aspects of starting to rebuild after the loss with mantras and exercises. Last month we concentrated on how chakras help us realign. July, we declared our independence. June and May, we concentrated on honoring our father and mother figures. April was everything Spring and rebirth. March, we invited abundance into our energy and vibration. February was all about sending and receiving love. And January was new beginnings.
September we will combining all the lessons from the past eight months. With practice we grow. Here are the exercises for September.
Mondays: Mantra: I will live one minute at a time.
Tuesdays: To Do: I will laugh out loud.
Wednesdays: Mantra and to do: Today I will find a peaceful spot to reflect.
Thursdays: Mantra and to do: Today, I will slow down and enjoy taking my time.
Fridays: Mantra and to so: Today I will tell someone I love them and give love to myself.
Saturdays: Mantra and to do: Today, write a short note or text to someone.
Sundays: Day of Rest, Meditation and self-care day.
When you look at all the exercises, they are geared towards helping you feel joy. I’d like you to concentrate on slowing down and enjoying the small things in life. Does it seem as though you are always in a rush to do something or go somewhere? Is there a list of things to get completed every day? Do you feel exhausted at the end of the day only to find out you have not completed everything on your list? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then these mantras are very important for you this month. And here is why.
Monday, the beginning of a new week. Are you thinking about everything that needs to be completed before the weekend? We tend to live for the weekend. We rush through five days to get to two days. I would just like you to ponder that last sentence. We rush through five days to get to two days. Is that really the way we have trained ourselves? Unfortunately, yes, it is. Instead, on Monday’s practice living one moment at a time. Try not to think about Tuesday yet. It isn’t here. I’d like you just to concentrate on Monday. Beautiful Monday. A start of a new week. Break it down even further. It is 9 am. Let’s only think about this hour, and then the moment you are in. Stay present. Live in the moment.
Tuesdays, allow yourself to laugh out loud. Bring in spurts of joys by not being so serious about everything all of the time. Laughter is a great cure for just about anything. When you set your intentions Tuesday mornings by saying “Today, I will laugh out loud”, all types of fun situations will cross your path. Laughter raises your vibration, it releases stress, it makes you more approachable and let’s face it, laughing feels wonderful.
Wednesdays are about taking a moment finding a spot to reflect on the things you have accomplished, things you have survived, things that you have learned. It’s about growth. It’s about getting quiet. It’s about alignment. Finding peace in the chaos. Allowing yourself a moment to value who you are and value those around you.
Thursdays are again about slowing down. Not rushing through everything and being on auto pilot. The age old saying “take time to smell the roses”, that is Thursday in a nutshell. Why are you in a rush? Have you ever thought about that question. Why am I rushing to the grocery store, rushing to finish a project, I can’t wait to finish this book etc. I find myself say, “I’m going to run to the store.” Why do I use the word run? By saying that I’ve almost put a time limit on finishing the race to get back. Welcome in slowing down. Enjoying the adventure of everyday life. I am so guilty of this. I cram so many things into my calendar that at the end of the week, I am too tired to enjoy time off because there is no time off. There are things to do. It is a vicious cycle. I sometimes feel as though I, myself am addicted to doing, that I can’t even imagine just being. Sound familiar?
Fridays surround yourself in love. Friday can be the most hectic day of the week because we may not have completed everything that we felt needed completed and the remainder is stacked into Friday. This can cause us to be short tempered or anxious. Starting your day off by setting your intention to tell others you love them sets the tone for the rest of the day. It can soften your tone. It’s difficult to feel anxious when surrounded in love.
Saturdays are about leaving a note for someone or sending them a text. It’s really simple to text “I’m thinking about you” or “how are you doing?” It’s important to let those around you know how important they are to you. Saturday is not about you, it's about others. Making time to tell others you care about them.
Sunday is time to rest. Self-care day. Here’s a thought, maybe do nothing today? Think about the how your week changed just by doing these few things. I’m sure you will find balance and oneness when you change the way you start your day.
“Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving.” - Albert Einstein Just remember you don’t want to peddle uphill all the time, coasting and enjoying the scenery is just as important.
Blessings for a great September