November Mantra
It is the 11th month of 2023 and we have worked through different aspects of starting to rebuild after the loss with mantras and exercises. Last month we concentrated on regeneration. September, we combined all the months so far, August was Chakra focus, July, we declared our independence. June and May, we concentrated on honoring our father and mother figures. April was everything Spring and rebirth. March, we invited abundance into our energy and vibration. February was all about sending and receiving love. And January was new beginnings.
November is all about forgiveness. Here are the exercises for November. “Gratitude is the ability to experience life as a gift.”
Mondays: Focus on Gratitude. Mantra: I am thankful for today.
Tuesdays: Mantra: I am thankful for my family.
Wednesdays: Mantra: Today I am thankful for my friends.
Thursdays: To do: Thankfulness. Take five minutes, write down ten things you are thankful for.
Fridays: Mantra: I am thankful for the Sun.
Saturdays: Mantra: I am thankful for my memories of my loved ones.
Sundays: Day of Rest, Meditation and self-care day.
When you look at all the exercises, they are geared towards helping you feel thankful. I’d like you to concentrate on recognizing all the things you are grateful for. Do you find yourself in a rut, feeling like things are not going your way? Stop, and think of thankfulness. Turn the gratitude light switch on. What gifts have you been given today? There is always something to be thankful for, you may just have to think about it for a little bit. Make a gratitude list. Start from years ago to the present.
Mondays: Be thankful for today. Welcome in new blessings and new beginnings. Be thankful for waking up and starting your day. Anytime during these Mondays if it gets a little difficult, stop and say silently to yourself, “I am thankful for today”. Repeat it over and over again. Believe it and feel it coat your mind body and spirit.
Tuesdays: Be thankful for family. Even those who make things uncomfortable. Be thankful of what you have learned from them, or maybe you have taught them something. Family comes in all shapes and sizes with different personalities, strengths and weaknesses. Offer gratitude to them. Send them well wishes. Embrace the connection you have with them.
Wednesdays: Be thankful for friends. Funny how sometimes friends are closer than family members. Even if your friend circle is small be thankful for them. Send them good thought for the day. How and why are them important to you? Be grateful for their friendship.
Thursdays: time to think. What am I thankful for. List ten things you are thankful for and make a list. Continue to grow your list every Thursday. When you place thought into this, it really brings to light how blessed we are for the journey we are experiencing. Save the list to refer back to when you feel defeated. Recognize how much you have overcome.
Fridays be thankful for the sun. Go outside and bask in the warmth of the light of the sun. New days start with the sun beaming suspended in the sky. Examine the clouds and the trees. Fall is in the air. Notice how it smells, how it feels on your face. Smile and be thankful.
Saturdays: think about the people who have been in your life who have passed. Think about fond memories of them. Pull out pictures and go back to that moment. Remember events that made that day special. Remember them in love and gratitude. Talk to them, either to yourself or out loud, they hear you. Look for peace and find the joy of having had them with you for the time you had.
Sundays: it is time to rest. Self-care day. Here’s a thought, maybe do nothing today? Think about the how your week changed just by doing these few things. I’m sure you will find your heart is full of blessings when you change the way you start your day.
“Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.” - William Faulkner
Blessings for a thankful November