Angels, Guides, Archangels, and Spirit

I’ve been asked several times to explain the difference between Angels, Guides, Archangels and Spirit. Today’s blog is based on the information I have been given and how I incorporate it into my daily life.

The spiritual realm is so amazing. It is filled with a love so unconditional that we as humans cannot imagine it,…yet. There is a point of vulnerability and faith that must be opened to receive all that God has to offer. Having been given free will, we can choose to not believe, or we can have faith in knowing there is something greater. What will you choose?

Spirit, to me, are those loved ones who have passed before us. We had a connection with them on the earthly realm. They are family and friends that were here on this earth at one time and have died. I want you to remember that even though their earthly body ceases to live their energy, spirit, essence continues to connect with us only in a different way. You can speak with them every day. Ask them for signs and they will show up for you.

Angels, Guides and Archangels are angelic. Most, having never lived a human life as we know it. Before we are born, we are with God, the Creator, the Source of all things. I believe that God places certain Angels and Guides with us from inception to death. I often call them “teams” of angels given to us to help guide us through different situations in our lives. I like to think there are birthing angels. These angels are sent with us from the spiritual realm to the womb to delivery. Think about when an infant gazes into the air, have you see them smile or point at something? Maybe they are smiling at an angel close by. Open your mind to the possibility that we are never alone. We are born with a purpose. No matter how large or how small, there is a reason you are here. God has a plan from the beginning of our life until we depart. You can spend your entire life trying to figure out what that purpose may be or you can follow your instincts, your passion and believe this is your purpose at this particular time. We are embedded with thoughts and ideas. The right brain is strong. Our angels help us to manifest them into reality. Free will plays a big role in your life. You can choose to trust your instincts or choose to call it imagination and unattainable. Children have the ability to believe in all things, they have not been tainted by the world telling them they can be superman, a fireman or the inventor of the cure for all disease. Possibilities are endless for young children. They see the adventures in front of them without fear, because they have not experienced failing. There fears are of the dark or being away from their parents or someone who loves them. I remember as a small child having conversations with my imaginary friends when playing by myself. I never thought I had one actual “imaginary” friend as some children do. I just talked and had conversations, so that I did not feel alone. Think back, does this resonate with you? Who do you think you were speaking to? I had actual conversations in my head with whoever was there. I never thought it strange or weird, I was just playing. Not until I started my journey did, I realize that I was probably speaking to Angels. This was nothing I shared with anyone; it was my world of playtime. As we get older more angels and guides join or leave. Depending on the situations of our lives we may have a team of protection angels, a healing team, an educational team and so on. You are given what you need when you need it. They follow us through childhood illnesses, traumas as well as milestones and celebrations. We are always connected. Once we enter school and start learning, doing and exploring the world we may not speak to them or feel them as much. Trust that they have not gone anywhere. They get quieter as our mind gets noisier. We learn the fear of what others will think, so we tend not to share or think about it. The left brain makes an appearance with learning and reasoning. They have not left us; we have rationalized it to be our imagination, so in essence, we have lost our belief in them, and we leave them.

I’m sure you are familiar with the say, “God doesn’t give us more than we can handle”? I believe it is because He has given us Guides to help work through, to find the path of understanding. I like to look at the other side of this statement as well. Sometimes, I believe God gives us more than we can handle. Things that may bring us to a breaking point that pushes so that we search for more, for meaning, for our purpose and we delve deeply into the “what now” scenario of “where do I turn?” We turn inward to find greater meaning. Cue in; Guides and Angels that are waiting on you to call on them. Those meaningful moments when we know someone intervened, someone had a greater plan, someone or something stood in the way of what could have happened. Instinctively, we say these things because our consciousness remembers. Whether you realize it at the time, it surfaces in your subconscious. Your instincts kick in. Our higher self makes an appearance reassuringly that something is out there. Our angels have been with us this entire time, we just get busy and don’t recognize it until something big comes. Those coincidences or deja vu; you are not making it up. They happen, they make themselves known to you through different circumstances. Everything is divinely timed.

This brings us to the Archangels. I like to think of them as God’s upper management team, the experts in their field. You can invite the Archangels in anytime you need help. They will wait patiently for the invitation. Be open to calling in the experts to help you with life’s ups and downs. I’m going to speak about them in hopefully a way you are able to associate, be it their meaning of their name or the color they present themselves in. Know that something will click in your energy of a memory or visual thought.

Archangel Ariel: Ariel helps in manifesting abundance. She is said to be the protector of nature. What happens in nature? You feel grounded. Ariel will help you be grounded, find clarity in what you need to manifest. Her name translates into “lioness of God”. Think about a lion in the wild, they can have anything in the forest. They are the king of the forest. Ariel presents in a pale pink light. If you create a vision board, visualize pale pink surrounding. Maybe make the board on pale pink paper, add things of nature or a picture of a lion, a champion, the finish line. Visualize succeeding into abundance.

Archangel Azrael: Azrael helps with sorrow, burdens loss. That warm blanket of love when things are difficult. Azrael translates into “Whom helps God” and appears in a creamy white color.

Archangel Chamuel: Chamuel helps you find things that you have misplaced or lost. The name translates to “Eyes of God” and appears in a pale green color.

Archangel Gabriel: Gabriel is the Archangel of creativity and speaking. Often helpful for writers, artists and speakers. She is great at formulating the right words for a difficult conversation. She is also known in helping in pregnancy, birth and adoption. Her name means “the strength of God” and appears in a coper color.

Archangel Haniel: Haniel helps us grow spiritually, intuition and assists in readings. Haniel’s name translates into “the grace of God” and appears in a silvery blue light.

Archangel Jermiel: Jermiel helps to develop our spiritual gifts. Assists in our life review and gives us the direction of what needs changed. Jeremiel translates into “Mercy of God” and appears in a deep purple light. If you feel you are on a spiritual path, invite Archangel Haniel and Archangel Jermiel in for direction.

Archangel Jophiel: Jophiel helps creates space for us to see the beauty in ourselves as well as all things that surround our life. She aids in positive thinking. Jophiel is nicknamed the feng-shui angel, finding beauty, balance and positive thinking. Her name translates to “the beauty of God” and appears in fuchsia pink.

Archangel Metatron: Known to bend time when projects need completed, Metatron helps in time management. He is the protector of children and aids in keeping us grounded. Metatron’s name meaning is unknown and appears in a blend of violet and green.

Archangel Michael: Michael is the protector. He helps you feel safe, are afraid to make or have a hard decision to make. His name translates to “He who is like God” and appears in sapphire blue with hints of gold.

Archangel Raguel: Raguel helps resolve misunderstandings and helps with forgiveness. Raguel translates to “friend of God” and appears in a pale robin egg blue shade.

Archangel Raphael: Raphael is the healer and aids in travel safety. His name translates to “God heals” and appears in an emerald green light.

Archangel Raziel: Raziel is nicknamed “the wizard of the Archangel realm”. Aids in understanding the esoteric, past life, interpretation of dreams and premonitions. Raziel’s name translates into “secrets of God” and appears in rainbow colors like a prism reflection.

Sandalphon: Reach out to Sandalphon when you feel your prayers aren’t being heard or answered. Sandalphon is said to carry your prayers to God and is associated with music and vibration. The name translates to “brother together” and appears in a turquoise light.

Archangel Uriel: Uriel gives you brilliant ideas. Helps you figure out things as you seek empathy or what to do next in your life. Uriel is always there for you. Uriel’s name translates to “the light of God” and appears in a solid yellow light.

Archangel Zadkiel: Zadkiel is the tutor, the ginkgo biloba of the archangels. Zadkiel helps with tests, learning as well as forgiveness. Zadkiel’s name translates to “the righteousness of God” and appears in indigo blue.

No matter your age or situation, God, angels, guides, Archangels and Spirit are there for you to call upon for help. You are never alone. Everyone has the ability to connect to them. You don’t have to be “special”. We are all created from God’s creative energy. Faith over fear, ask and listen, meditate and pray. When you place this into practice into your life, you will grow, and your life will change. This is not just my opinion; this is what I have experienced as well.

As always, I pray that you live the life you love and love the life you live.




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