Above All…Love
Happy February!!
It seems fitting to talk about love in the month of February. Love of others, inviting love in and giving love to ourselves and to the universe.
1 Peter 4 says, “Therefore, be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.
I started reading a new book last night. Manifesting Your Magical Life by Radleigh Valentine. Seemed like an appropriate book to read with the author’s last name is Valentine. I’ve only just started the book and have already had several aha moments. Just the title Manifesting a magical life trigger lots of positive thought insight without even opening the book.
Here is a question for you to ponder, do you think of yourself as a loving magical being? If not, you should. Everything about the human energy is magical. Have you lost the twinkle you once had? Do you want to get that luster back? It all starts with how you feel about yourself. Showing love to yourself. Breaking negative self-talk. He goes into explaining that our ego gets in our way. I’ve always thought of ego as big headedness, presenting yourself as better than everyone else. But Radleigh explained ego in a different way. I fell a lot of us will relate. He explains it as “It’s the aspect of your consciousness (and sometimes subconsciousness) telling you that you are not good enough.” This causes doubt and we second guess our decisions and motives. Sound familiar? Do you find yourself always second guessing your own decision to be happy, successful or in a loving relationship? Do you feel you don’t deserve love? Where does that stem from? Who or what placed that in your head? Somewhere in your lifetime, you were made to feel unworthy of affection. “The ego convinces you that everyone in the world is special and magical - except you.”
If we’ve been programed for a long time feeling unworthy, how on earth do we rewire our brains? How can we embrace love if we do not feel worthy of love? The next time you look in the mirror I want you to pause as see if you feel the reflection looking back at you deserves happiness. Practice this until you can honestly say, yes, I deserve happiness.
It’s as if there is a recorded message in our head to automatically click on shedding doubts and our worth. A Constant reminder of all the mistakes we’ve made, all the drama that surrounds us, comparing our self-worth to others. Feeling and thinking others are more deserving or better than us. I want you to pause for a moment and think about when this first started happening. At a fairly young age I had someone of importance say to me, “I don’t even know how I could love someone like you.” That stuck in my head for years. So much that I believe I used this as a defense mechanism to block others from getting too close. This way I would not disappoint them with my inadequacies. I attracted those who were selfish with their love and ended up in several toxic relationships. It wasn’t until I got to the point of being happy with myself was I able to attract a healthy relationship. I had a choice to make. I could break free from the voice recording in my head and invite love in and feel worthy of love or I could stay miserable in my own mindset. What you think, you become. I no longer wanted to be a victim, I needed to be a survivor. It took a long time to get there but it was worth it.
Wake up and pay attention to your needs. Notice your special achievements, not matter how large or small. Celebrate the victories. Keep trying, don’t give up on you. Pay attention to your attitude and the attitude of those you surround yourself with. Is your circle uplifting, supportive and loving or are they negative, competitive and filled with drama? How do you feel when you are around them? Check in with yourself? Wake up. Look for the magic in people. Surround yourself with those you aspire to be like. As your guides, God, Spirit to place people in your path that will enhance your energy. Then stand in faith that God will handle it. Manifest and invite in positive opportunities into your life, and watch what happens.
Maybe, you are the negative person in the tribe? Take notice of how you think, speak and respond to situations. Do you react or respond. Response is the higher vibration. If you were on a medication and your responded well to it, then it is a good thing. But if you have a reaction, you will probably no longer be using that medication. If you are stuck, admit it and work on getting unstuck. The negative thoughts are like a whirlpool that twists and turns sucking you into a downward spiral. Grab a life jacket and hold on.
Traumatic situations from your past are just that. The are in the past. Why hold yourself hostage of bad decisions you may have made or may have had done to you years ago? Give yourself a break. Show love and compassion to yourself. If you are judging yourself or others, catch yourself when you start and find one good thing about them or yourself. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Then release it to God to handle.
Several of my friends and clients struggle with finding out their life purpose. Want to have more clarity in figuring it out? Step one, show love to yourself. Step two, show love to others and step three invite love into your path. I truly believe once you work these three steps over and over again, you will gain clarity to know your hearts passion. Life purpose starts with “above all love”. Love yourself enough to believe you have a purpose. Trusting the direction of your heart is much easier if you are open to receive and give love.
Check the volume knobs in your head. Choose your inside voice and your outside voice. Is one louder than the other? Is there static in your head? Adjust those volumes. Ask yourself: How do I speak to myself and others? Am I a good friend? Am I loyal? Can I be trusted? Do I trust myself? If you answered no to these, then more inward work and healing needs to take place. Going to the memory of where you lost your child like positive attitude and domineer. Start there, face it, send it love and heal the wound.
Above all Love.