A Channeled Message

I’ve long since changed my heart and thoughts about life and healing. I frequently ask my guides to direct me to learn. Today, I felt the need to channel a message from them to place thought provoking possibilities in your soul in the most loving way. I want you to pause for a moment and be present with me. Know that when I say you are important and loved, these words not only come from me but also from the universe. I feel as though this isn’t said enough in a sincere way, but this comes from the deepest part of me. I want you to really you to feel this deep within your soul. There is nothing you can’t do if you really feel passionate about it.

Channeled message: Dear ones, life has been given to you to experience. Now, some of those experiences are good and some not so good, but they are all a part of your growth. Each sunset and sunrise are meant for you to see. But when you look, also feel it and breathe it in. Experience it, in all it’s beauty, color and movement. It rises and sets just for you. Each and every tree and flower has bloomed for your eyes to behold. See them, feel them, know it to be true. You’ve heard the saying that if Creator took the time to place a light on an insect, just think of the things that will be done for you. So much is in store for you to experience. Have you lost your light? We (guides and angels) are here to help you turn it back on. You have a choice of how bright it shines. We have not gone quiet. You have become too busy and too loud in your mind that it is difficult for you to listen. In order for you to hear us - you must get quiet and ask. The answer may be faint but you will hear it. Acknowledge it, and the volume will increase. We send you signs, do you overlook them because you are too busy? We ask you to slow down and become present. Think of a time you were guided angelically. A time that is so mysterious that it is obvious that it was not received or given by humanity. See the moment, you know the one. It has appeared in your mind’s eye. Remember how it felt? Maybe a tingle or a wave of energy ran through your body. A smile and peaceful feeling that it will all work out. This can happen more and more. Ask, Listen and Acknowledge us. We have been with you through many lifetimes. Some you remember, but most you have forgotten. We want you to see, feel and experience the most high phases and levels of love in order to gain wisdom. The key is not to keep it to yourself but to share it with others. If kept inside it is because you are afraid, you have not truly learned to trust yourself with the insight we provide. Journey deep into your soul and find the reason you do not trust yourself. Why do you live in fear? We will lead you to where you need to be. We invite you to be open to the belief of your journey. You will do great things. No matter the magnitude of how large or small they are, all are important. Always be open to learning and being and doing and trusting the process. We will speak through you if you allow us. Find your truth in the quiet times. Set your intentions to connect to the higher forms of yourself. All your past, present and future selves. Why have you disconnected? Take time to reflect on the disconnection that unplugged your light from standing in the truth of inner peace. We want you to find it again beloved. We are here.

This is the message I was given to share with you. I know this time of year can be difficult but it can also be magical when seen through the eyes of our inner child, through the small ones around us. Reconnecting with family and friends, both earthbound and spiritual energy. See it, experience it, and invite it in.

Let’s get quiet for a moment. I’d like to guide you through a meditation to reconnect you to your higher self. (you can listen to the replay on social media) Relax and close your eyes. Acknowledge this time of quiet. This special appointment you have with yourself. It is an important meeting that you do not want to miss. You are showing up for yourself. To reacquaint with you. Close your eyes and slow your breathing down. Slowly be aware of nothing else but your breath. Say either out loud or to yourself, “higher self come close to me.” Feel the warm tingles run through your entire body as you relax and connect to your higher self. Come closer higher self, sit with me for a moment. I’ve made time to connect with you. Closer, come closer. Continue to breathe slowly relaxing the mind and body. You may see a light swirl in your mind’s eye; welcome it in. Breathe slowly. Connecting, getting quiet, preparing to listen. Place your hand on your heart. Draw them into your heart center. Come closer to me. Invite not only your higher self, but also Creator, Angels, Guides and loved ones on the other side. I invite you to gather around me. Breathe. Take one hand and place it on your navel area. Feel your stomach expand and retract with each slow breath. In this space resides all of your ancient selves. Your all knowing part of you. Your gut and your heart are where your instincts reside and they know what is the highest good for you. It is because it is bread into your DNA. A woman instinctually taps into the needs of other, they nurture the ones around them. A man instinctually feels the need to protect and provide for those around them. You have the ability to tap into these sacred spaces for wise wisdom. You know what to do. You are she (he) and she (he) is you. Look into your spiritual eyes and reconnect. Ask them to come closer. Feel into the energy that is uniquely you, a combination of the you from the past, the present and the future you to come. As you connect, reach your hand out and place it in their (your) hand. Take a deep breath and ask, “Higher self, what do I need to know right now?” Listen, continue to connect with your breathing and with your higher self. Trust the message you receive. Take as long as you need, and when you are ready, open your eyes and journal your experience.

How was that? Did you see yourself, re-introduce yourself? What did you feel, hear or see? Acknowledge and journal as much as you can remember. If you were not able to reconnect, rewatch the episode until you do. Practice inviting your higher self to come closer. All your past selves to come closer. Find peace, see peace and feel it with your entire human existence. Journey back to your soul, your guides, angels, consciousness or loved ones who have passed. Ask them questions and listen or recognize the signs they bring forward. Acknowledge and thank them. Journal every detail.

Life is here for you to experience each sunrise and sunset. You don’t want to miss it. Realize you are loved and not alone on this journey.

Authentically unlock your value and path. Practice living the life you love and loving the life you live.

I’d love to hear about your experience. Drop me an email at connectingtospiritwithstacey@gmail.com



To watch this episode https://fb.watch/woxJvX1AVv/




Meditation vs Contemplation