Connecting to Spirit
With Stacey
Stacey is an Evidential Medium, and award-winning author of "My Head Knows...But My Heart Still Hurts" and newly released book “My Crystal Addiction Diary”. She connects with Angels, Guides, and Spirit to offer peace to those who are grieving.
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Spirit Is Always Around Us
Hi. I am Stacey.
I have been a full time Evidential Medium/Spiritual Healer for almost 10 years. I communicate with Spirit (your loved ones who are on the other side), Angels and Guides to offer peace to those who are grieving. My gift, my prayers is that God, Spirit and Angels bring you the most loving message to help your spirit heal.
Les Brown said, “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fear”
Read that one again. That quote clicked something in my brain that said, yes, that’s it. We are living in our fear and that is what stops us from living our dreams. I seek to find clarity in why we stop living the adventurous life that we could be living. At the end of each show, podcast, email and reading I always say, “I pray you live the life you love, and love the life you live. If not change it".”
The big question is, why am I comfortable living in fear? Does it really hold us in a place of comfort? How can it, if fear places a big stop sign in front of our dreams? We have an action plan, then all of a sudden there is this tiny, doubting voice in our head saying, “where do you think you’re going? It’s scary over there and you are fine right here.” Sound familiar? We may respond by thinking, but my dream is this but I’m afraid of this outcome. Ask yourself, “What am I afraid of?”
Fear is an acronym for Fear Everything and Run or Face Everything And Rise. It makes me wonder, am I so afraid of death that I fear life? Mind-blowing right? I have a friend who dreams of seeing the world but she is so afraid of the possibility of getting into an accident. She only travels back roads and stays local. But she wants to see the world. This fear is stopping her. Do you dream of seeing your favorite artist in concert but the idea of being in a crowd makes you fearful and uncomfortable? We all have past experiences in our memory bank that can make us feel all relationships end terribly because we’ve had that experience. But your dream is to find a companion, get married and have a family. Do you live in the shadow of fear because of what someone else’s experiences? Does an illness run in your family, and your fear is that there is no escape, this illness will one day be yours as well? Being cautious, or having a plan, finding the tools to help you is one thing, but totally pulling out of the possibilities that this fate will not be yours is another thought you need to bring into your energy.
My Journey
Connecting To Spirit is a journey for every person. We are all unique, but there is one thing that unites us all. Life and Death. I would like to share my story, and my journey on how I took this path in life and how I can help you connect with your loved ones. Please enjoy the video.
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Fall 2022
Have you ever thought you were going to forget? The sound of your loved ones voice, or they way they smelled? This journal will help you to keep their spirit close.
A journal to help you heal through loss. Designed to help you remember, reflect, and record the things you cherish the most.
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